
Train a RNN to generate a Simpsons TV script

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo is a project submission for the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree Program. The goal of the project is to train a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to generate a Simpsons TV script. (It was trained on a small dataset, so the results aren't very sensible)

See this notebook for the details.

Sample Generated Text

moe_szyslak:(into phone) moe's tavern. where the elite meet to drink.

nigel_bakerbutcher: yeah!

homer_simpson:(distraught) ah, homer, you gotta sell it just barney work in the back of my cruiser.

homer_simpson: yes! the prayer i forgot to say has been answered.

homer_simpson:(puzzled) what the?

moe_szyslak: sorry. the greatest entertainer in the world won't turn him over up.

homer_simpson: anyway, it's just as well close the dump.

mayor_joe_quimby: i'm gonna drink you under the table.

quimby_#2: no, i am going to do.

moe_szyslak:(on a duff luck) but a good one!

kent_brockman: and the worst name that's right! even a deliberate mis-statement of fact.(smiling) but there's no one could pull!

all:(ad lib) what's a great thing.

moe_szyslak: okay it's over!

homer_simpson:(perking up) wait a minute, all right.(large sob)

moe_szyslak: now, say hello to springfield's newest supermodel!

lenny_leonard: just be careful