AWS CloudFormation Template for a static website on a private AWS s3 bucket and Global CDN AWS CloudFront

IaaC Examlpe

  • Static site hosted on s3 bucket
  • Bucket is private, no one can DDoS and abuse your bucket. Only CloudFront can access your bucket.
  • Global CDN using AWS CloudFront

Pre requisites

  1. AWS Account
  2. You need to have AWS CLI configured
Getting started
git clone
cd secure-static-site
Save Env Variables
export STACK_NAME=MyStaticSiteStack
export STATIC_SITE_BUCKET_NAME=<A unique Bucket Name>
export LOGGING_BUCKET_NAME=<A unique Bucket Name>
export REGION=us-east-1

You can use a StackName and Bucket of your choice, Bucket name should be unique.
You can choose among AWS Regions of your choice

Deploy your stack

Deploy the template using AWS CF Console or use AWS CLI

aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name $STACK_NAME \
--template-body file://static-site-cloudfront.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=S3StaticSiteBucketName,ParameterValue=$STATIC_SITE_BUCKET_NAME \
ParameterKey=Region,ParameterValue=$REGION \
Copy your website files

Once the Template is deployed on AWS CF which takes around 30 sec - 1 minute Upload your html files to the bucket

This Github repo has 2 examples StaticSiteExample1 and StaticSiteExample2. Both are individual websites. For the sake of demo we will be using StaticSiteExample1

Copy file(s) to your bucket

aws s3 cp ./StaticSiteExample1/ s3://$STATIC_SITE_BUCKET_NAME --recursive

Verify index.html is at the root of the bucket


If you see index.html file. You are good to go.

Access your site

To get the url

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name my-static-site-stack | grep Output

Check the output for your website url, which looks like Copy paste this url in your website. Hurray your website is up and running.

Cleaning up

To avoid unexpected changes make sure you clean up properly and leave no trace. Empty the bucket before removing CF Stack

aws s3 rm s3://$STATIC_SITE_BUCKET_NAME/ --recursive

Delete CloudFormationt Stack

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $STACK_NAME