Generate a Key Pair for Bastion Host and Managed Nodes, also upload it to aws

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100 -C $FILENAME -f ./01-eks-cluster/private-key/$FILENAME -N ''
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name $FILENAME --public-key-material fileb://./01-eks-cluster/private-key/$

Create an s3 bucket for s3 Remote Backend

BUCKET_NAME=terraform-backend-s3-remote-state-storage-$(date +%s)
aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET_NAME

Replace in the entire directory with your own bucket name

find $PROJECT_FOLDER -type f -exec sed -i "" -e 's/terraform-backend-personal/$BUCKET_NAME/g' {} \;

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD

#Apply Folder 01-eks-cluster

terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Configure kubectl echo >> ~/.kube/config aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name infra-dev-innovation-hub

Stop Bastion because we don't need it

INSTANCE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=infra-dev-BastionHost" --query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId" --output text)

# aws ec2 start-instances --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD
terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Create ACM Certificate Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD
terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Create Hosted Zone and Import your domain name This is a manual task

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD

Run the Template

terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Replace my domain name with your own domain name

find . -type f -exec sed -i "" -e 's/' {} \;

Create EFS Driver

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock Section 4

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD

Run the Template and create ACM Certificate

terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock Section 4

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD

Now Goto AWS Console > ACM > Choose the Certificate we just created > Create Records in Route 53 [IMAGE]

Launch your Apps

kubectl apply -R -f 06-kubernetes-apps/

Now Access your Apps

Also by default we have http to https redirect at the LoadBalancer Level configured with LB Controller

Create DynamoDb Table for s3 state lock Section 4

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name $TABLE_NAME  \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=LockID,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=LockID,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
    --table-class STANDARD

Run the Template and create ACM Certificate

terraform -chdir=$DIR init 
terraform -chdir=$DIR validate
terraform -chdir=$DIR plan -out plan.txt
terraform -chdir=$DIR apply plan.txt

Complete steps from here

kubectl get events -n kube-system

Cleaning Up

terraform -chdir=07-efs-app plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=07-efs-app apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=07-efs-app aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

kubectl delete -R -f 06-kubernetes-apps/ terraform -chdir=06-kubernetes-apps plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=06-kubernetes-apps apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=06-kubernetes-apps aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

terraform -chdir=05-efs-csi-drivers plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=05-efs-csi-drivers apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=05-efs-csi-drivers aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

terraform -chdir=04-externaldns-plugin plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=04-externaldns-plugin apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=04-externaldns-plugin aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

terraform -chdir=03-acm-ssl-certificate plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=03-create-acm-certificate apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=03-create-acm-certificate aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

terraform -chdir=02-loadbalancer-controller-add-on plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=02-loadbalancer-controller-add-on apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=02-loadbalancer-controller-add-on aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

terraform -chdir=01-eks-cluster plan -destroy -out destroy-plan.txt terraform -chdir=01-eks-cluster apply destroy-plan.txt TABLE_NAME=01-eks-cluster aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $TABLE_NAME

Remove Terraform s3 Remote Backend

aws s3 rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME/ --recursive
aws s3 rb s3://$BUCKET_NAME

Delete the SSH Public Key which was manually uploaded

Common Errors

Show Image Also

helm_release.external_dns: Creating... ╷ │ Error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use │ │ with helm_release.external_dns, │ on line 2, in resource "helm_release" "external_dns": │ 2: resource "helm_release" "external_dns" { │ ╵ Releasing state lock. This may take a few moments... shivam.anand@H9RF7QWXQ5 kubernetes-innovation-hub % k get secrets NAME TYPE DATA AGE sh.helm.release.v1.external-dns.v1 1 2m43s shivam.anand@H9RF7QWXQ5 kubernetes-innovation-hub % k delete secret sh.helm.release.v1.external-dns.v1 secret "sh.helm.release.v1.external-dns.v1" deleted

Terraform Destroy unable to delete ACM Certificate Because the Certificate is still in use by a Load Balancer

Importing your domain name