
The repository contains four parts

  • The main CA site (/ragam-ca)
  • The Admin site (/ragam-admin)
  • Firebase cloud functions (/functions)
  • Helper functions to manage (/helpers)

Built With

Firebase VueJS 2 Bulma Logo


Admin Login Screen Admin Dashboard Config page
Admin login mobile Admin Login Page Mobile Full page screenshot of mobile dashboard Manage Poster Screen
CA Portal
CA Homepage CA Register CA Dashboard
CA TAsk view


View Instructions
  • Create a new Firebase project

  • Setup and configure Firebase using firebase-cli as follows

    Hosting Ragam CA            => ragam-ca/dist
    Hosting Ragam Admin         => ragam-admin/dist
    Firebase Cloud functions    => functions

    (this should be pre configured with firebase.json)

  • Update the Firebase config object in ragam-admin/src/firebase.js and ragam-ca/src/main.js

  • Go to Firebase Project page and add Google , Email and Password as authentication providers.

  • Create a new user with email and password note the UID ( This will be the admin user ).

  • Update the new UID in database.rules.json and storage.rules.( This takes care of permissions )

  • Seed the database with database-seed.json using Firebase console.

  • Build and deploy using yarn deploy.