
:hatching_chick: easy to use eslint/stylelint/tslint/prettier/...

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easy to use eslint(support TypeScript) / stylelint / prettier / commitlint in rax, ice and react project. And spec means specification.


$ npm i --save-dev @iceworks/spec eslint stylelint prettier @commitlint/cli

PS: You don't need to install other eslint plugins and parsers.



1. Create configuration file

First create a .eslintrc.js file. Then edit your config.

2. Update config

rules base on eslint-config-ali and @iceworks/eslint-plugin-best-practices.

// .eslintrc.js
const { getESLintConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');

// getESLintConfig(rule: 'rax'|'react'|'vue', customConfig?);
module.exports = getESLintConfig('react');


1. Create configuration file

First create a .stylelintrc.js file. Then edit your config.

2. Update config

rules base on stylelint-config-ali

// .stylelintrc.js
const { getStylelintConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');

// getStylelintConfig(rule: 'rax'|'react'|'vue', customConfig?);
module.exports = getStylelintConfig('react');

prettier rules

1. Create configuration file

First create a .prettierrc.js file. Then edit your config.

2. Update config

// .prettierrc.js
const { getPrettierConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');

// getPrettierConfig(rule: 'rax'|'react'|'vue', customConfig?);
module.exports = getPrettierConfig('react');


1. Create configuration file

First create a .commitlintrc.js file. Then edit your config.

2. Update config

rules base on commitlint-config-ali

// .commitlintrc.js
const { getCommitlintConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');

// getCommitlintConfig(rule: 'rax'|'react'|'vue', customConfig?);
module.exports = getCommitlintConfig('react');


Custom config

// .eslintrc.js
const { getESLintConfig } = require('@iceworks/spec');

// getESLintConfig(rule: 'rax'|'react'|'vue', customConfig?);
module.exports = getESLintConfig('rax', {
  // custom config it will merge into main config
  rules: {
    // ...

package.json scripts

Add scripts in your package.json, example:

"scripts": {
  "lint": "npm run eslint && npm run stylelint",
  "eslint": "eslint --cache --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx ./",
  "stylelint": "stylelint ./**/*.scss",
  "prettier": "prettier **/* --write"

Then use npm run lint check your project, ues npm run prettier update your code.

Git hooks

To lint commits before they are created you can use Husky's Git hook.

Install in your project npm install husky --save-dev or yarn add -D husky.

After that, you can add to your package.json the following code:

"husky": {
  "hooks": {
    "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS",
    "pre-push": "npm run lint"
  • commit-msg: check commit message
  • pre-push: run scripts when push

Update from @ice/spec

If you are using @ice/spce in your project, we recommend use @iceworks/spec to get better maintainability and faster response to lint rules support.

Based on @iceworks/spec's simple API you can quickly migrate your project, install and update your lint config file, the mission is completed 😁.


Run Test

npm run test

run test for specific component

npm run test -- packages/spec

Run Prettier

npm run prettier

Run Lint

npm run lint