
A part of master thesis on Technische Universtät Berlin.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Hybrid Evaluation Scheme for Making Qualitative Feedback Available to Recommender Systems Researchers

Easily conduct user studies and offline evaluations for recommender systems research


This is a customizable web-based online evaluation platform for recommender systems researchers. Expand to learn more.

With the massive amount of information available on the web, recommender systems play a central role in assisting users find the right information, be it a movie to watch, an article to read or an item to buy. Due to the role they play in modern web, recommender systems have been active field of research since the nineties, mostly focused on finding ways to improve recommendations. Recommender systems have been evaluated on their effectiveness on the basis of accuracy metrics in a majority of the research works. Accuracy metrics measure the performance of a recommender system using a data set and approaches like test-train-split or cross validation. While this type of evaluation, called offline evaluation boasts several advantages, e.g, ease of use, low cost, less time to set up, it leaves users' subjective preferences out of the equation. Focusing on accuracy metrics and offline evaluations only has been criticized as being inaccurate, inadequate, and sometimes misleading. To get users and user-centric metrics such as serendipity, diversity, satisfaction, etc. back into the evaluation, online evaluation has been considered as a superior method of evaluation. An online evaluation helps get active user feedback about the recommender systems, thus helping evaluation of a recommender system in real world scenario. A combination of both evaluation methodologies, i.e, a hybrid evaluations would enable reaping benefits of both, but due to the online evaluations being expensive and time consuming and require technical skills which not all researchers may possess, online evaluations have a low representation in recommender systems research. Hybrid evaluations are even scarce.\ This paper introduces a web based platform to make it easier for researchers to conduct online evaluations. Accompanied by an API which is dataset and data type agnostic and a flexible, customizable web interface for managing and conducting online evaluations (surveys), we aim to solve the aforementioned drawbacks of online evaluations. Additionally, by providing interfaces to implement a matchmaking scheme which matches survey participants (online users) and users from a preexisting dataset (offline user), we intend to make it easier to integrate the rich historical dataset data with the user-centric metrics and direct user feedback via online evaluation. We provide an interface for researchers to implement strategy for selecting items to be shown to the participants to build up their ratings profile for matchmaking. The platform, tested in a real world scenario was received well for its usability with majority of the participants finding the platform's user interface easy to use, well explained and the navigation intuitive. As a first-of-kind platform providing such functionality and proof-of-concept nature of the platform, an adequate comparison with a similar platform could not be made.

Getting Started


Make sure you have read and taken the following steps before installing the platform.

A computer with linux or windows with Python 3.10 and pip for the backend and Node Package Manager (npm) and NodeJS must be installed for the frontend. The code was tested with a Ubuntu 20.04 server with Python 3.10 installed. Check if the necessary requirments are installed as follows.

Checking python, NodeJS and pip version

Open a bash terminal (linux) or command prompt / powershell terminal (windows) and type the following commands to show the current versions of the installed applications. If not installed, the commands won't produce any output.

  • Python: python --version
  • Pip: pip --version
  • NodeJS: node --version
  • Python venv: python3 -m venv -h

If not already installed, follow the official documentations to get and install.

Note: Some python packages like surprise produce an error while installing. For this, you may need to install some additional packages like build esssential and pyhton3.x-dev. A discussion on stackoverflow is found here. Especially the aforementioned two packages are crucial.

Directory structure

Information on most important files and folders.

The project is divided into two independent parts. The frontend directory consists of all files and data pertaining to the web application components while the backend directory contains all data (datasets, recommendation lists, evaluation results and artefacts.) and API functionality.



The data directory contains the datasets, recommendation lists for online evaluations and the results generated from the online and offline evaluation in datasets, recommendation_lists and results directories respectively.


The src folder contains all source code for the API built up using Flask in python.


The frontend directory resembles a directory structure created automatically by create-react-app. All react components related to the survey frontend are located in the src/components directory.


Expand for detailed installation instruction.

This project uses react JS for frontend ans Python Flask as backend / API. To customize and make changes to the project before deployment, following steps are necessary. Note that the instructions are based on the default working directory being ./surveyapp/survey.

Installation via script

The accompanying script in survey directory automates the process and automatically takes the following actions.

  1. Copies over the necessary files from backend/examples directory to appropriate places in backend/data.
  2. Creates and activates a python virtual environment.
  3. Installs necessary python moduls from backend/src/requirements.txt
  4. Runs the flask API server in background on port 5000.
  5. Checks if the API server is on and stops if the server is not on.
  6. Install necessary node modules in frontend/node_modules automatically. The modules are specified by frontend/package.json
  7. Runs the web app on port 3000.
  8. Waits for the web-app to initialize, checks if it's running and exits on pressing any button.

Make sure the script is executible before running.
chmod +x run_and_test.sh Run the script using:
source run_and_test.sh

TIP: You can fill in the backend/examples directory with the actual files you want to add and run the script to automatically deploy your custom survey.

Detailed installation instructions

1. Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/ananta-lamichhane/surveyapp.git

2. Install backend

  1. Change to the default working directory of the cloned repo.
    cd surveyapp/survey
  2. Create a python virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the requirements from requirements.txt file.
    pip install -r backend/src/requirements.txt
  5. Serve the application on port 5000.
  • On Linux using gunicorn.
    gunicorn --bind backend.src.app:app
  • On windows using waitress.
    waitress-serve --port=5000 backend.src.app:app
    NOTE: Do not use flask run because it doesn't recognize the app in the subdirectory and messes up the directory struture in the application.
  1. Running server in the background.
    The server will stop if you close the terminal / cmd session. If you're using ssh, the server ends when you close the ssh session.\n To run the server in background, use --daemon argument at the end of command in 5.

3. Install frontend

  1. Make sure NodeJS is installed. Use official documentation (see prerequisites). 2 Install necessary modules.\ npm install
  2. Start the node server on (defualt) port 3000.
    npm start --prefix frontend
  3. Running in background.
    Similar to running the API server, you'll find closing the bash / command prompt terminal will kill the application too. However, node does not natively support running the application in background. You can use tools like pm2 to run the application in backend. Use [this medium article](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pm2 for an overview on using pm2.

4. Prepare the data

Certain directories and file name conventions must be followed so that the relevant data (datasets, recommendation lists, matchmaking and next-item selection) can be properly configured.

  1. To add a new dataset for a survey, create a new directory inside data/datasets with the relevant name of the directory (the directory name will be visible when using the dashboard to create and manage surveys) and place the ratings.csv user-item matrix file into the directory.
  2. To add a new recommendation list for online evaluation, put the relevant recommendation list file in the recommendation_lists directory. The name of the file identifies the recommendation lists file (.csv) while creating and managing the survey.

5. Add next item selection and matchmaking strategies

  1. To use custom next-item selection strategy, implement the abstract class called BaseStrategy in file item_selection_base.py. The implemented class must be named "Strategy". The file must be placed in the backend/src/strategies/item_selection directory. The name of the file is used to identify the strategy in survey creation and management.
  2. To use custom matchmaking strategy, implement the abstract class called MatchmakingBase in file matchmaking_strategy_base.py. The implemented class must be named "Strategy". The file must be placed in the backend/src/strategies/item_selection directory. The name of the file is used to identify the strategy in survey creation and management.

6. Get evaluation results

The results from evaluations are saved in backend/results. The results of online evaluations (surveys) are denoted by the respective survey names.


About implementing custom strategies and making UI changes. ### Adding your own next question selection strategy. Say you want to have your own logic in place where you select the next item to be rated by the participant based on current ratings and some other criteria (e.g. same genre movies, one of the most popular movies, same director, etc.)\ This can be achieved by implementing the abstract class Strategy in src/strategies/item_selection/abstract_class/item_selection_base.py Make sure the implemented class is named Strategy and is placed inside the src/strategies/item_selection directory.\ When implemented correctly, the new strategy returns the next item that should be displayed to the participant based on your desired logic.

Adding your own matchmaking strategy.

After a participant has rated all the items (questions), you now want to find out which user in the dataset (offline user) is most similar to the given online user. This can be chosed using various algorithms and strategies. By instantiating the abstract class MatchmakingBase in src/strategies/matchmaking/abstract_class/matchmaking_strategy_base.py

Changing the survey questionnaire.

You can change the questions displayed to a participant by editing the JSON templates that are placed in frontend/src/components/surveyJSTemplateJSONS. This allows the survey creator to change what questions they want to ask, what kind of input they want (slider, input box, stars, emojis, etc.), the range of the input and what they're called.

Changing item descriptions.

This repo uses MovieLens dataset as default and uses the attributes of a movie to create a description so that a participant can have more information about the displayed item. The function create_item_descriptions() in backend/src/utils/create_item_descriptions.py can be edited to fit your dataset. This should be paired with corresponding changes on the frontend. Especially while creating item description in CreateNewPanel() of frontend/utils/create_new_question.js and in the helper functions in frontend/src/components/surveyJSComponents/recommendation_survey.js


Hosting web app and API, reverse proxying and getting URLs to access the functionalties. Deployment for a productive environment can be done by building an app bundle using NPM for the frontend. Backend can be deployed as is using gunicorn or similar WSGI web servers. Reverse proxy such as Nginx can be using to host both frontend and backend on a server and route traffic based on the URL endpoints. The following steps enable access of the API on URL .com/api and the web application on .com

Note: The procedure could vary slightly depending upon the installations of nginx.
Prerequisite: You have a domain name, possess the SSL certificates to the domain.

  1. Allow port 80 for HTTP and/or port 443 for HTTPS on firewall.
    Make sure you can access the typical ports for HTTP and HTTPS (80 and 443 respectively) from the internet outside your network. On Ubuntu systems, use ufw allow <port_no> to open a port. In case you're running a firewall, NAT or any other internet traffic controlling mechanism, make sure you have connection from internet at large to the server.
  2. Make sure Nginx is installed, running and monitoring on port 80 and 443.
    Follow this guide to set up Nginx for the first time.
  3. Add the configurations to Nginx conf files to redirect traffic to and from the platform.
    An example of the configuration files in provided in deployment. Make sure you edit it to your domain name, port numbers and SSL certificates.
  4. Add SSL certificates on Nginx for HTTPS.
    Include the path to SSL certificates in the nginx configuration. Refer to the documentations for how to.
  5. Reload nginx and test functionality.
    sudo service nginx restart


Popular troubleshooting topics.

Killing and restarting

Since the applications run on the background in shell, it may be difficult to close these, free up the ports they're occupying (ports 3000 and 5000) and restart them.
To restart the API, do the following:

  1. On shell terminal, type the command sudo netstat -nltp.
    You'll get a list of processes with their IDs, names and ports they're occupying.
  2. Next, find out the process IDs with process name python port 5000 and type sudo kill -9 <processID> to kill the API process.
  3. Follow install instruction above to start the API again.

To restart the web application follow the same steps above but with process name "node" and port 3000.