
Call your unexposed container(s) without exposing it

Primary LanguageGo

Docker Proxy

Call your unexposed container(s) without exposing it


  • TCP Proxy (Layer 4)
  • HTTP Proxy (Layer 7)
  • Dynamically set target host via HTTP request header


Option 1 (direct)

  1. Install from source
    go install github.com/anantadwi13/docker-proxy
  2. Run docker-proxy server locally
    # or
    docker-proxy --mode http --target-host https://github.com/
    # or
    docker-proxy --mode tcp --local-address :9999 --remote-address localhost:3306

Option 2 (as container)

  1. Download image from Docker Hub
    docker pull anantadwi13/docker-proxy
  2. Run docker-proxy server via docker
    docker run -it --name docker-proxy \
           -p 80:80 \
    # or
    docker run -it --name docker-proxy \
           -p 80:80 \
           anantadwi13/docker-proxy --target-host https://github.com/
    # or
    docker run -it --name docker-proxy \
           -p 9999:9999 \
           anantadwi13/docker-proxy --mode tcp --local-address :9999 --remote-address mysql-server:3306
    # or
    docker run -it --name docker-proxy \
           -p 80:80 \
           --network network-name \


  1. Make sure docker-proxy server is already running
  2. Make an HTTP request or TCP connection
  3. (Optional for HTTP mode) Set X-Target-Host header with the target host (ex: https://google.com or http://another-container)
  4. Send this HTTP request to http://{docker_proxy_local_address}/... or TCP connection to docker_proxy_local_address


  • Make sure docker-proxy is running as a container and connected to particular network if you want to proxy other containers

Available Arguments

$ docker-proxy --help
Usage of docker-proxy:
  -l, --local-address string    local address (default ":80")
  -m, --mode string             proxy mode, http or tcp (default "http")
  -r, --remote-address string   remote address, required for tcp mode
  -t, --target-host string      target host, optional for http mode