
Snippet to standardize reading from a file, for reference

Primary LanguagePython


Assuming a data file with values delimited in some way, this simple Python snippet allows anyone to be able to read the data from the file into a list.


The implementation is very simple, just a lot of maps and reduces and all of that fun functional programming jazz. Not much to explain really. Look at the code!


To use it, all you need to do is import the read.py file, and call the readDataFromFile function.

Function signature is as follows:

list<type_T> readDataFromFile(<string> filename, <string> delimiter, <function> conversion_func)

Regarding the arguments. filename and delimiter are relatively straightforward. conversion_func is the function passed in in order to parse the data contents the proper way. For instance, if the data consisted of integers, conversion_func would be int.


This code is free for anyone to use on a deserted island anywhere. No restrictions or liabilities. Go crazy!