CS 467 Project 2: Crime Data Mapped Across the UIUC Campus

Environment and Tools Used

  • Libraries: React v17.0.1, D3.js v6.5.0, Material-UI v4.11.3
  • APIs: Google Maps Embed API, Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Maps Geocoding API, Google Maps Static API
  • Misc Tools: Snowpack v3.0.13, Babel v7.13.1, Marvel Prototyping App


This template uses the snowpack build system (https://www.snowpack.dev/).

  1. Ensure NodeJS is installed. Go here to install: https://nodejs.org/en/ (recommended: version 15).
  2. In a terminal, npm install.
  • If you get an ERESOLVE error with the dependency tree, run npm install --legacy-peer-deps
  1. In a different terminal, npm run babel.
  2. In a different terminal, in the project directory npm start. This starts a local server that serves up the contents of the public folder, and the js in the src folder.
  • If you get a 404 error for config.js, make sure you get the Google Map API credentials from Ananya (cleetus2@illinois.edu) since they are not included in the repo
  1. Your web browser should automatically open, but if it doesn't, your terminal window should contain helpful information.