Simple service tracking coverage, using Redis as storage. It returns previously reported coverage, or 302
redirects to badge URL by
## Example
## curl -X GET -D- "http://localhost:4567/my-project/?shields=true&low=30&high=75"
:repo - name of the repo (required)
:branch - name of the branch (optional, defaults to "master")
args['shields'] - flag, return shields URL (optional)
activated with `1`, `on`, `yes`, `true`
args['low'] - when `coverage <= low`, displays red badge (optional, defaults to 30.0)
args['high'] - when `coverage >= high`, displays green badge (optional, defaults to 75.0)
args['fileformat'] - fileformat to request from (optional, defaults to "svg")
args['style'] - style of the badge from (optional, defaults to "for-the-badge")
args['prefix'] - prefix to coverage digits on the badge (optional, defaults to "coverage")
disabled completely with `0`, `off`, `no`, `false`
For defaults, see "configure" block in main.rb
For fileformat and styles see
## Example
## curl -X POST http://localhost:4567/my-project/ -d '{"coverage":"23.3"}'
Start with
bundle install
bundle exec ruby ./main.rb
docker build -t coverage-tracker .
docker run -d --name redis --rm -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine
docker run -d --name ct --rm --link redis:red -e REDIS_HOST=red -p 8080:8080 coverage-tracker
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/project-name" -d '{"coverage":"48.00"}'
curl -sS --fail "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master"
curl -sS "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master?shields=1&debug=1"
curl -sS -D- -o/dev/null "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master?shields=1"
Take a look at sample ./k8s/coverage-tracker.yaml
manifest as example of simple deployment in K8s