
Naive coverage-tracker, with Redis backend, returns Shields.io badges

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Simple service tracking coverage, using Redis as storage. It returns previously reported coverage, or 302 redirects to badge URL by shields.io

Usage Examples

GET /:repo/:branch - retrieve coverage for :branch of a :repo

## Example
## curl -X GET -D- "http://localhost:4567/my-project/?shields=true&low=30&high=75"

:repo - name of the repo (required)
:branch - name of the branch (optional, defaults to "master")

args['shields']    - flag, return shields URL (optional)
                     activated with `1`, `on`, `yes`, `true`
args['low']        - when `coverage <= low`, displays red badge (optional, defaults to 30.0)
args['high']       - when `coverage >= high`, displays green badge (optional, defaults to 75.0)
args['fileformat'] - fileformat to request from shields.io (optional, defaults to "svg")
args['style']      - style of the badge from shields.io (optional, defaults to "for-the-badge")
args['prefix']     - prefix to coverage digits on the badge (optional, defaults to "coverage")
                     disabled completely with `0`, `off`, `no`, `false`

For defaults, see "configure" block in main.rb.

For fileformat and styles see shields.io.

POST /:repo/:branch - record coverage for :branch of a :repo

## Example
## curl -X POST http://localhost:4567/my-project/ -d '{"coverage":"23.3"}'

Start with

bundle install
bundle exec ruby ./main.rb


docker build -t coverage-tracker .
docker run -d --name redis --rm -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine
docker run -d --name ct --rm --link redis:red -e REDIS_HOST=red -p 8080:8080 coverage-tracker

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/project-name" -d '{"coverage":"48.00"}'
curl -sS --fail "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master"
curl -sS "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master?shields=1&debug=1"
curl -sS -D- -o/dev/null "http://localhost:8080/project-name/master?shields=1"


Take a look at sample ./k8s/coverage-tracker.yaml manifest as example of simple deployment in K8s