Simple API example with Ruby's Sinatra, Thin/Unicorn, init script, Docker and super-duper self-install script.
- ruby1.9.x
- bundler
- sinatra
- thin / unicorn / puma
- lxc container support
- linux kernel 3.8+ with aufs (3.2 from squeeze-backports, or default wheezy kernel will do)
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev build-essential
sudo gem install bundle
Then "cd" into where you checked-out code and run bundle install
Additional dependencies can be installed via "apt-get" (if available) or "gem"
you can change API port and service name in simple_api.init and simple_api.default:
LISTEN_IP="" # listen IP, default is
LISTEN_PORT=8888 # listen port, if unset defaults to random in 8000-9000 range
SERVER="thin" # thin, unicorn or puma are supported
start it with
./simple_api.init start
stop it with
./simple_api.init stop
when running on your local machine use the following URL
replace "localhost" with IP/hostname of the machine you've started the service on
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin
unicorn -E development -l
you can have Unicorn daemonize itself with "-D" flag
unicorn -E development -D -l
to stop your instance either use pkill or use [CRTL-C] when it's running in foreground
pkill unicorn
for examples of starting other server hadnlers (thin, puma), see simple_api.init source..
you can launch your API Server in a LXC with Docker check out .docker/
./ [start|stop|restart|status]