Check .npm_packages.txt file
To install global npm packages run the code
cat .npm_packages.txt | xargs npm install -g
- fd
- ripgrep
- LazyGit
- z (or z for fish)
- exa
- starship shell
- pyenv
- nvm
If you are in Arch Linux, then you may run this command line to install almost all deps above:
sudo pacman -S fd ripgrep lazygit exa fish
curl -Lks | /bin/bash
Remember setting config alias to manage git command on dotfiles repository
Check Atlassian's documentation here
sudo pacman -S ttf-firacode-nerd
sudo pacman -S ttf-ibmplex-mono-nerd
sudo pacman -S clang cmake
sudo pacman -S telegram-desktop
# if you are using archcraft then install i3wm flavour
sudo pacman -Syyu && sudo pacman -S archcraft-i3wm
# Update packages
sudo pacman -Syyu
sudo pacman -S tmux
# tmux dependency (if necessary)
sudo pacman -S ncurses
sudo pacman -S neovim
yay -S wezterm
lazygit --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME