ansible-playbook \
-i inventory/test/hosts.yaml \
kube_control_plane \
--tags control_plane \
ansible-playbook \
-i inventory/test/hosts.yaml \
kube_workers \
--tags workers \
This deploys
- Calico (Pod network add-on)
- Metrics server
- NGINX ingress controller
- Prometheus
- Loki
- Mimir
- Grafana
- Goldpinger
cd environments/test
terraform init
terraform apply
This repo includes a kubeconfig, which is configured for the test cluster. It will authenticate users through OIDC.
For the OIDC flow to work, you will need to have kubelogin installed. Summarizing the installation instructions here:
# Homebrew (macOS and Linux)
brew install int128/kubelogin/kubelogin
# Krew (macOS, Linux, Windows and ARM)
kubectl krew install oidc-login
# Chocolatey (Windows)
choco install kubelogin
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/environments/test/kube.conf"
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces