Group Project Movie App (SAR 😄 سَار)

We worked on this project as a group to create Movie App, get the data about movies from TheMovieDB APIs.

Wireframes and User Stories:

User Stories:

We implement web application that will allow the user to do the following 💪 ✅

  • As a user, I can see the latest movies.
  • As a user, I can search movies.
  • As a user, I can add a movie or remove it from my favorites.(must use Redux here)
  • As a user, I can see movie details (Movie Name, Poster, Movie Description, Genres)


You can view application wireframe here


📎 Movie App

Technologies :

- React & Redux:

  • Must use Redux with at least two actions ✅
  • Must at least use 3 React hooks useState, useEffect, and useContext ✅
  • Must be in English and Arabic using react-i18next ✅
  • Using JS Libraries (axios , i18next, react-router-dom):white_check_mark:



Example about a short story of Development process and problem-solving strategy 👊 :

As a part of our project, we have favorite movies feature that allows the user to favorite unlimited numbers of movies. However, this feature would have a problem with the way that it works(favorite a movie from the main page Route and show the result of the favorites in a different Route). As a solution, we have decided as a team to solve the problem by using Redux. Redux works as storage that allows us to keep the record of the favorite movies through all the routes.

Get Started:

  $ git clone

  $ npm install
  $ npm start

As a Future Work 💡 🔎 :

  • As a user, I can share movie link to IMDB site.

  • As a user, I can see similar movies for each movie.

  • As a user, I can see as more movie details (Cast names and posters).

  • As a user, I can see star details with the list of movies casted in.

  • Use Firebase Auth with useContext

  • Use localStorage with Redux

  • Make it Full Stack using .Net as backend

  • Use React Native as your FrontEnd in addition to your web application

Developers 🔥 :

Anas Alhmoud ➝ @anas-alhmoud

Riyad Alghamdi ➝ @1Riyad

Samirah Alhusayni ➝ @SamirahAlhusayni