- This repository cnotains conde smaples from different projects I worked on. (some of them you can run directly)
This is a re-implemntaion of siame convolutional model for person re-identification based on this paper : https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2014/papers/Li_DeepReID_Deep_Filter_2014_CVPR_paper.pdf
weld seam segmentaion in Xray images using UNET trained from scatch using 36 images(you can train it and test it )
I reimplemented a simple model from my master thesis in 2012 to detect weld seam in Xray images using PyTorch. (you can run it )
sample codes for simulation I am using in my current work (you can run it)
U-net model to segment ground plane based on this paper : https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/2016/5/icra_2016.pdf (you can test it) weights: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dMXHFTlIMbjzxGqZP34lSN19R7KlpHhX