
Passive Web Vulnerability Scanner

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) GitHub last commit

OwlScan is a powerful security assessment tool designed to scan web applications for common security issues. With its comprehensive set of features, OwlScan helps identify potential vulnerabilities in web applications, allowing security professionals to proactively address these issues and enhance the overall security posture of their web projects.

By integrating OwlScan into your security measures, you can significantly increase your cybersecurity stance and mitigate many security risks at a low resource cost.


  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) Detection. alt text

  • API Scan with PostMan alt text

alt text


  • XSS vulnerability detection [Reflected xss, Stored xss] [POST,GET]
  • SQL Injection Detection [Error-based, Boolean-based, Time-based] [POST,GET]
  • Local File Inclusion [Linux]
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) Detection [AWS, BIG-IP, CloudFlare, FortiWeb]
  • XML Entity Injection Detection < %60
  • PoC management [Conversion from Nuclei templates] < 70%
  • Full API version < %40