Labeling Sponsored Segments in a Youtube Video

Install !

git clone
cd sponsor-inference
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
wget --directory-prefix="./app"

You'll need around 2.5 Gb of free space and about 2 Gb of RAM to run optimally

Train freezing BERT parameters

Using a 70-15-15 training-validation-test split.
The script will download and cache the BERT cased modes (11M+ parameters)

python3 app/ -f training_file.json

The training file should contain a list of objects such as:

[{"This video is sponsored by Squarespace","label":"sponsor"}, {"Welcome to this NLP tutorial","label":"content"}]

I trained this model with a dataset I built based off of SponsorBlock's labels.

I used youtube-dl to get the english auto captions when they were available on the diffrent videos.

The dataset is publicly available here on Kaggle.

It took 4 hours 48 minutes to train on a 16 Gb GPU on a Kaggle kernel available here

It yielded a test accuracy of 93.85%.

Inference on a sentence

python3 app/ -s "This video is sponsored by Squarespace"

Should print:

{ "class": "sponsor", "probability": 0.9990846614236943 }

Inference on a Youtube video

python3 app/ -u ""

Will download the video captions, and label it by 10s chunks.
The results will be written in the labeled_results.json file.

Running a Fast API locally

You can run this model for inference locally by running:

cd app
uvicorn main:app

You can see the routes at