The Approach used in this Competition is as follows:

  1. Split the training file into 5 folds source/
  2. Tokenize and padd the data
  3. Embedding layer( embedding dim = 128, max_len=300, batch_size=4096,learning_rate=0.001).
  4. Two Bidirectional GRU layers with 300 units each
  5. One Conv1D layers with 300 filters
  6. One GlobalAveragePooling1D
  7. One GlobalMaxPooling1D
  8. Concatenate the max_pool and avg_pool
  9. Dense layer with 1024 units
  10. Batchnormalization 11 Dropout 12 Dense layer with 20 units
  11. Check notebooks/enzyme.ipynb
  12. Pseudo_labeling: Small improvement from 88.99 to 89.15
  13. After making predictions, add the predicted test samples to the original training data, then re-train again
  14. Submit prediction
  15. Put your data into input folder, and your models into models folder
  16. The model was trained using Google Colab TPU
  17. App demo using GradioML:

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