This project aims to code a C library regrouping usual functions that can be used in all other 42 projects.
📄 Subject PDF v. 15
The content of this repository is subject to constant change as new general functions developed during other projects are added here.
Command |
Usage |
make |
creates .o files for each function as well as the main library file, libft.a |
make clean |
removes the .o files used to create the library |
make fclean |
removes the .o & .a files used to create the library |
make re |
removes all .o & .a files then remakes them |
Function |
Description |
get_next_line.c |
returns a line read from a file descriptor |
📁 ft_printf
Function |
Description |
ft_printf.c |
prints to STDOUT and returns an int value equal to the number of printed chars (%cspduxX) |
📁 io
📁 lists
Function |
Description |
ft_lstadd_back.c |
adds a new element at the end of the list |
ft_lstadd_front.c |
adds a new element at the beginning of the list |
ft_lstclear.c |
deletes and frees the given element and every successor of that element |
ft_lstdelone.c |
deletes and frees the given element |
ft_lstiter.c |
iterates through a list while applying the function passed to the content of each element |
ft_lstlast.c |
returns the last element of the list |
ft_lstmap.c |
iterates through a list while applying the function passed to the content of each element and creating a new list with the results |
ft_lstnew.c |
allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a new element |
ft_lstsize.c |
counts the number of elements in a list |
📁 memalloc
Function |
Description |
free_table.c |
frees all elements of a 2d array |
ft_calloc.c |
contiguously allocates memory that is filled with bytes of value zero |
ft_realloc.c |
reallocates the given area of memory |
ft_xcalloc.c |
same as calloc(), but it directly exits in case of memory allocation error |
xfree.c |
frees a pointer after checking it isn't NULL |
📁 strings
Function |
Description |
ft_atoi.c |
converts ASCII string to integer |
ft_atol.c |
converts ASCII string to long integer |
ft_bzero.c |
erases the data in the n bytes of the memory by writing '\0' to that area |
ft_itoa.c |
allocates and returns a string representing the integer passed as argument |
ft_memchr.c |
scans n bytes of the pointed memory for the first instance of a char |
ft_memcmp.c |
compares the first n bytes of the block of memory from 2 strings |
ft_memcpy.c |
copies n bytes from one memory area to another |
ft_memmove.c |
copies n bytes from string to to another using a temporary array to handle overlap |
ft_memset.c |
fill a block of memory with a particular value |
ft_split.c |
splits a string, with specified character as delimiter, into an array of strings |
ft_strchr.c |
locates the first occurrence of c (converted to a char) in the string |
ft_strcmp.c |
compares (lexicographically) two strings |
ft_strdup.c |
allocates sufficient memory for a copy a string copies and returns a pointer to it |
ft_striteri.c |
applies the function f to each character of the string passed as argument |
ft_strjoin.c |
allocates and returns a new string (concatenation of two strings) |
ft_strjoin_free.c |
same as ft_strjoin(), but it frees the old string |
ft_strlcat.c |
appends two strings |
ft_strlcpy.c |
size-bounded string copying |
ft_strlen.c |
counts the numbers of characters preceding the terminating NUL-character of a string |
ft_strmapi.c |
applies a function to each character of a string, creating a new string with the modifications |
ft_strncmp.c |
compares (lexicographically) up to n characters of two strings |
ft_strnstr.c |
locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated substring in the a string, where not more than n characters are searched |
ft_strrchr.c |
locate last occurrence of character in string |
ft_strtrim.c |
allocates and returns a copy of a string with the characters specified in ’set’ removed from the beginning and the end of the string |
ft_substr.c |
allocates and returns a substring from another string |
📁 types
Function |
Description |
ft_isalnum.c |
tests for any character for which ft_isalpha or ft_isdigit is true |
ft_isalpha.c |
tests for any character for which ft_isupper or ft_islower is true |
ft_isascii.c |
tests for any ASCII character between 0 and octal 0177 inclusive |
ft_isdigit.c |
tests for a decimal digit character |
ft_isprint.c |
tests for any printing character, including space |
ft_isset.c |
tests if the character is part of a set |
ft_isspace.c |
tests if a character is a white-space character |
ft_tolower.c |
upper case to lower case letter conversion |
ft_toupper.c |
lower case to upper case letter conversion |