Extended Kalman Filter Project

Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

In this project I will use kalman filter to estimate the state of a moving object with help of lidar and radar measurements.

How to build

I was using Windows 10 and VisualStudio17

-to build this project using Bash for window :

  • navigate to projet
  • write cmd : mkdir build
  • then navigate to build
  • write cmd : cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make

Project Docs

  • first I have to initialize Vectors and Matrices
    • Vectors and Matrices related to radar and laser inputs
    • Vectors and Matrices related to Kalman Filter Equations (x, P, R, H, F, ..etc)
  • then handle the first measurement - Initialization step-
    • if data coming from laser we pass it to x vector as it is
    • if data coming from radar we convert it from polar to cartesian, then pass it to x vector
  • then after initialization we handle predict and update steps
    • save the change in time, and modify F martix with new time
    • update covariance matrix Q using noise and delta time
    • then Predict
    • after that we use the Update function
      • if laser data : we do standerd kalman filter
      • if rader data : we have to use Jacobian matrix to convert H matrix to get Rho, Phi , & Rho dot
    • update function will result x and P values,
    • then evaluate these values with RMSE fucntion