
Udacity SelfDrivingCarND Term2 Project 4

Primary LanguageC++

CarND : Controls PID Project

Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

In this project, I decide the steering angle of simulator's car steering wheel , using PID controller and Twiddle (coordinate ascent)

default project installation :

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake ..
  4. make
  5. ./pid

my own Build Instructions

I was using Windows 10 and VisualStudio17

-to build this project using Bash for window :

navigate to projet
write cmd : mkdir build
then navigate to build
write cmd : cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
write cmd : ./pid 

PID initial code, manual tuning, & Twiddle

  1. in class PID we fill the initial parameters Kp, Ki, Kd.
    • in every step we update p & i & d Errors.
    • and then calculate Total Error, it is the sum of paramters and their errors multiplied.
  2. now we tune the Kp, Ki, Kd parameters using these instructions
    • Kp decides how fast the car will stear to correct its course, the less the faster.
    • Kd decides how much the car will swing after stearing is done, the more , the dry streaing is.
  3. now we build the twiddle algorithm
    • I'll use the same implementation in lesson
    • using boolean flags, I'll decide which part will be active during the current loop
    • using p array as the [kp, ki, kd] , and pd array as a helper to tune p array
    • initialize kp ki kd, to the manually tuned parameters [0.12,0,3]
    • initialize pd array to [1,0,15] , I decided these values after trial and error.
    • I choose to twiddle every 5 steps, to auto-tune on fly without restarting simulator.


  1. while twiddle is running, the car will swing, but eventually it will stop after twiddle is done.

    gif animation :

    twiddle state gif

    alternative vid

  2. but after twiddle is done car can take curves successfuly :

    gif animation :

    after twiddle gif 01

    alternative vid

    these images are taken from diffrent testing sessions.

    gif animation :

    after twiddle gif 02

    alternative vid


I got only few comment , that if I can improve the PID controller will be perfect

  • start with p=[0,0,0] & pd=[1,1,1]
  • drive succesfuly with throttle more than 0.4
  • use more steps between twiddle steps -now using 5 steps-