
Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

Setup :

default project installation :
  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. cmake ..
  4. make
  5. ./path_planning
my own Build Instructions

I was using Windows 10 and VisualStudio17

Make sure to include the CMakeLists.txt from this repo, ,because I added 2 files to resources :

  • src/trajectory_generator.h
  • src/trajectory_generator.cpp

to build this project using Bash for window :

navigate to projet folder
write cmd : mkdir build && cd build
write cmd : cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
write cmd : ./path_planning


check Goals section, at udacity repo

let's start with the fun part

Results :

Youtube video

  • the car can drive more than 5 miles without incedents
  • it can keep safe distance from front car, and drive with constant speed without jerking
  • it's aware of surronding cars, and car act saftly in traffic jams
  • it will change lanes when needed too.
    • will prefare left lane over right lane, if both are available.
    • change lane in less than 3 second without jerking
    • can detect cars on side lanes and predect thier next position.
    • can detect cars on side lane for longer distance, witch allows better lane choice.

here are some gif animation examples : note: gif files quality are reduced for smaller sizes

  1. the car will keep safe distance from the car in the front, and will change lane if available. it will alwyas prefare left lane if both lane are available.

  2. car will never get off the road, in this case it will change lane to right if left is blocked.

  3. if front car breaks suddenly, our car can break without jerk, and keep safe distance , avoiding collision.

  4. car can detect the speed of side lanes cars, this provides better dicision making , because we know if the car in the next lane is speeding up or not.

  5. in case of traffic jam, car can drive as slow as the jam, avoiding collisions and not making chnage lane desisions without finding safe distances.

  6. whenever car can find safe distance to do lane change, it will do it and do it fast, to fly out of the jam.

Code Exceplaning:

  • I used initial code from project Walk-Through video on Youtube, code is documented , you can find it in main.cpp line:247 to line:363.
  • replaced the sensor fusion from the Walk-Through video to my function plan_path line:259:
  • I'll take about code flow, more details can be found in code in-line documentation.

- state :

I'm using 5 state :


- cost :

I'm also checking 2 costs :

  • Cost_of_Lane_change :
    which forks to
    • Cost_of_Lane_Keep
    • Cost_of_Lane_Change_Right
    • Cost_of_Lane_Change_Left
  • Cost of Collision

car will be by default in LANE_KEEP state, but will check the Cost_of_Lane_Keep :

  • first check state
    • if state is LANE_KEEP
      • if no cost, we'll keep lane and state LANE_KEEP
      • else we have to check Cost_of_Lane_change
        • if cost is equal or more than MAX_COST, then no lane change, we'll keep lane and state LANE_KEEP
        • else we have to compare right cost vs left cost, but we won't change lane instantly
          • set state to PREPARE_LANE_CHANE_RIGHT or PREPARE_LANE_CHANE_LEFT, and wait for next update
      • check Cost of Collision
        • if has Collision cost, abort lane change, we'll keep lane and state LANE_KEEP
        • else set state to LANE_CHANE_RIGHT or LANE_CHANE_LEFT, and change lane right away
    • finally check if Lane change is done , if it is done change make sure to reset state to LANE_KEEP

- Cost functions details

  • collision cost function uses position prediction , to compare my car vs another car in the future, if they may collapse, then a collision is possible
  • change lane checks in two different approaches :
    • I'd like to note that we are checking cars on side lane now
    • cars in-front us:
      • if ahead car is slower than me, this will increase the cost of lane change.
      • then we check for distance between us and the ahead car, the close the more costly the decision is.
    • cars behind us :
      • first check distance, if too close, then don't change lane
      • then check position is future, if the car behind me will be ahead of me after 2 seconds, then abort lane change, it is too dangerous.