Resume Builder (WIP)

This is an interview project for showcasing my skill level in the following front-end areas/tools: CSS, Redux, Formik, React custom hooks and React-Router.

Some of the technologies are kind of new to me and I needed to check out their documentation before I could start implementing them which slowed me down a little, those tools are: Redux/Redux-toolkit, Formik, Yup (needed by Formik for type safety) and json-server.

Tech Stack


  • React
  • React-router
  • Redux and Redux-toolkit
  • Formik (for easier react forms)
  • Yup (runtime type validator like Zod)
  • Lucide-react (icons)
  • React-toastify (easy notifications)
  • React-tooltip (easy tooltips)


  • json-server (with-batteries-included API)

How to setup

After cloning the repository, you'll find two directories (client and server), you'll have to install npm packges on both of them.

After entering the client directory, type:

pnpm i && pnpm dev

In another terminal, after entering the server directory, type:

pnpm i && pnpm start

If you don't have pnpm run npm install -g pnpm, although installing the packages with npm is not harmful if you know what you're doing.

Scaffold of the app
