
A collaborative place about notes, bugs or tips regarding free and open source software

FOSS Notes

FOSS Notes


FOSS Notes is a place where users, developers, SysAdmins or DevOps engineers collaborate together in order to create a set of useful and awesome notes about free and open source software. Those "notes" can be about some known bugs and their solutions, quick-and-dirty tricks or some other useful tips about FOSS software.

Our aim is to save people's time when they Google for a weird issue or an unknown problem. Or if they may need some optimizations or tricks about the software they use.

FOSS Notes is not a place for documentation! For this, you may refer to some other Linux distributions wikis and manuals. We are not trying to create docs, we are creating an online platform where we all share our useful notes together so that it benefits all of us instead of making them personal only.

The website can always be found at: Notes.foss-project.com.

Our website is completely ad-free. However, someone has to pay for hosting and other stuff. If you have an extra $1 to throw, consider supporting us on Patreon:


Our project is still booting up! Feel free to leave us your feedback about anything. The number of notes we have is currently small since we just started. After few weeks, we hope to have hundreds of them! It won't happen without your pull requests.


Check our GitHub repository. You can send us a pull request from there. There's an automatic synchronization between this GitHub repository and the website. Your newly-added notes should be live in an hour or two.

Remember, this is FOSS Notes, not FOSS DOCS. Don't list usage options or everything you know about a software. Only write down your organized notes. Those notes may include:

  • A bug which you faced during the use of the software.
  • A solution for that bug that you faced or a workaround.
  • A tip which is not generally known about a software.
  • An optimization for a software.
  • Similar stuff to the above.

Everything you send should be in markdown format. You can create a folder about a wide topic (such as bootloaders) and add a sub file in it about a software (such as GRUB2 or Lilo). Everything related to a single software should be in a single file.

Use the following prefixes to describe your entries:

  • [Problem]: Bug or problem which you encountered while using the software.
  • [Tip]: A quick-and-dirty trick related to the software or optimizations.
  • [Note]: It's not a bug nor a tip. Just something to be careful about when using the software.

Each entry should consist of the following subtitles:

  • Description: Describe the note, bug or tip you are talking about. Don't explain how to fix it or apply the tip here. Just explain what you are talking about or what you are going to do.
  • Solution: The solution or workaround for the problem you faced. Or how to apply the tip or optimization you talked about before.
  • Additional Information: You may add sources or links in this section.

Use H1 for the file title. Use H2 for the entries title and use H3 for subtitles such as "Description" and others. Use additional markdown syntax according to your needs.

At the end, the page should be sorted in the following arrangement:

  1. Tips.
  2. Notes.
  3. Problems.


Users contributions are released under the public domain.

public domain