
This is an example event-driven application that demonstrates real-time event updates from the backend to the frontend using Server-Sent Events (SSE).


  • Node.js
  • Postman

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

Install dependencies:

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the "backend" folder: npm install
  2. Start the backend server: npm start
  3. Open the frontend/index.html file in your web browser to view the frontend.

Testing the API Endpoints

You can use Postman to test the API endpoints and observe the real-time event updates in the frontend.

Import the provided Postman collection file (docs/SSE test endpoints.postman_collection.json) into Postman.

Run the following requests to test the API endpoints:

  • POST / - Add a user to trigger the 'userAdded' event.
  • DELETE / - Delete a user to trigger the 'userDeleted' event.
  • Observe the real-time event updates in the frontend as the events occur.