
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

LLM Prediction Analysis: llama2 and Mistral

llama2 Analysis


  1. Comprehensive Analysis: The model provides detailed explanations, considering various factors that impact the prediction.


  1. Real-World Data Limitations: Predictions may not fully incorporate the latest real-world data or unforeseen events.
  2. Overconfidence: High confidence levels might not always align with the unpredictable nature of the sectors analyzed.

JSON Structure:

  • The JSON responses are mostly well structured, accurately reflecting the requirements of the task in most answers.

Overall Assessment:

  • Technical: The model shows a technical understanding of different sectors, such as economics and technology. However, the reliability of predictions in such complex fields can vary greatly due to numerous influencing factors.
  • Response Format: The structured JSON format is consistent in some answers, while it lacks accuracy of reproduction in others.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Enhancing the model's access to up-to-date information and refining its ability to weigh various influencing factors in predictions could improve accuracy.
  • A more nuanced approach to confidence levels might better reflect the inherent uncertainties in such predictions.

Suggestions for Future Development:

  1. Integrating Real-Time Data: Enhancing the model's ability to incorporate the latest market and global data for more accurate predictions.
  2. Calibration of Confidence Levels: Developing a more sophisticated method for determining confidence levels, possibly by introducing uncertainty quantification in predictions.
  3. Continuous Learning: Implementing a mechanism for the model to learn from new data continuously and adjust its predictions accordingly.

Mistral Analysis


  1. Nuanced Probabilities: Mistral seems to effectively weigh different factors, providing nuanced probability scores.
  2. Adherence to Question Format: The responses adhere well to the requested JSON format, which is crucial for structured data processing.


  1. Predictive Limitations: The model's predictions, while nuanced, still face limitations due to the unpredictable nature of the sectors being analyzed.
  2. Varying Confidence Levels: Some responses exhibit high confidence levels where real-world data might suggest more caution.

JSON Structure:

  • The JSON responses are consistent, clearly structured, and align with the task's requirements, making the data easy to interpret and use.

Overall Assessment:

  • Technical Understanding: Mistral demonstrates a solid understanding of various sectors, from economics to technology. However, the accuracy of predictions in complex real-world scenarios is inherently challenging.
  • Response Format: The structured JSON format is consistently applied across different questions, which is a key strength. This consistency ensures ease of data parsing and utilization.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Enhancing the model's real-time data integration could improve accuracy.
  • Additionally, developing a more dynamic approach to setting confidence levels might more accurately reflect the uncertainties in these predictions.

Comparison between Mistral and llama2

Response Complexity: Mistral seems to provide more nuanced probability scores and confidence levels, indicating a potentially deeper analysis capability. Llama2, while thorough, appears more straightforward in its predictions.

Adaptability to Questions: Mistral's responses are more closely aligned with the requested JSON structure, suggesting better adaptability to specific output formats.

Realism in Predictions: Mistral tends to give more conservative and balanced predictions, reflecting a cautious approach to prediction tasks. Llama2 is more assertive, which could be beneficial or a drawback depending on the context.

Confidence Levels: Mistral's confidence levels appear more varied and context-sensitive, which might indicate a more refined assessment of the prediction's reliability.

Overall Assessment after the implementation of the advanced prompts

  • Adaptability: Both models adapt well to advanced prompting, showcasing their ability to handle complex prediction tasks.
  • Accuracy: Mistral's balanced approach, especially on historical events, suggests a more cautious and potentially more accurate prediction strategy. Llama2, while also accurate in some instances, tends to give more definitive answers, which can be risky in unpredictable domains.
  • Reliability: Mistral's consistent medium confidence across various questions indicates a uniform approach to uncertainty, which is crucial in prediction tasks. Llama2's varying confidence levels, while indicative of a nuanced understanding, may also suggest inconsistency in assessing prediction reliability.

Recommendations for Future Work

  • Model Calibration: Both models could benefit from calibration against real-world outcomes to fine-tune their prediction accuracy.
  • Bias Assessment: Regular assessment for potential biases in predictions, especially in dynamically changing fields like technology and economics, should be taken into consideration.

Fine-Tuning Process

  1. Choosing a Pre-Trained Model:
    • Select a pre-trained LLM that aligns with the prediction task. Models such as GPT-3, BERT, or T5 have shown promise in various tasks like those.
  2. Fine-Tuning Approach:

Dataset Preparation

  1. Data Collection:
    • Gather a dataset relevant to the prediction task. For prediction markets, this can include historical data from financial markets, election outcomes, or sports betting odds and outcomes.
  2. Data Preprocessing:
    • Clean the dataset to remove irrelevant or redundant information. Normalize the data to ensure consistency.
  3. Data Labeling:
    • In prediction tasks, the labels can be the outcomes of the events.

Performance Assessment

  1. Validation Set:
    • Use the validation set to tune hyperparameters and prevent overfitting.
  2. Continuous Evaluation:
    • Feed new data to the model as they become available.

Evaluation Metrics

  1. Accuracy:
    • Measures the percentage of correctly predicted outcomes. It’s a straightforward metric but can be misleading if the dataset is imbalanced.
  2. Precision and Recall:
    • Important in scenarios where false positives and false negatives have different implications.
  3. F1 Score:
    • Harmonic mean of precision and recall. Useful when you need a balance between precision and recall.
  4. ROC-AUC:
    • Receiver Operating Characteristic - Area Under Curve. Effective for evaluating the performance of a binary classification system (predictions).
  5. Mean Squared Error (MSE):
    • Useful for regression tasks in prediction.

Additional Considerations

  1. Ethical Implications:
    • Be aware of ethical considerations, especially when predictions can impact individuals or groups.
  2. Bias and Fairness:
    • Evaluate and mitigate biases in both the training data and model predictions.
  3. Legal Compliance:
    • Ensure compliance with relevant data protection and privacy laws.
  4. Model Explainability:
    • Strive for transparency in how the model makes predictions, which is crucial for trust and accountability.


1.-Howard, J., & Ruder, S. (2018). Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification. ArXiv:1801.06146.

2.-“BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding” by Devlin et al.

3.-“Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer” by Raffel et al.