
Uses Microsoft Azure as a host, contains web app code, api code, javascript azure functions, edge gateway code

Primary LanguagePython

All code below is the foundation for a cloud iot platform based around water quality measaurments.
The purpose of this cloud platform is to recieve edge device water quality data and display/ alert the user upon 
the triggering of user defined alerts via the web app dashboard and email notifications.
iot_gatway -> sends to cloud hub
cloud hub has two azure functions one to send telemetry data to a cosmos db
and the other gets user defined alerts from the cosmos db and checks whether the telemetry data triggers thos alerts
if the data triggers user defined alerts, if the alert is a "warning alert" the user can view triggers for that alert in app dashboard
if the alerts trigger a "danger alert" the javascript function on the cloud will also send email notifications to the user specified email

iot_gatway -> cloud hub (azure functions triggered here) -> comsos db on cloud-> web app and api

the web app provides secure login system with hashed passwords, a dashboard to view iot devices/ iot gateways and alerts.
the web app also has a view charts page for each iot device so that you can view interactive charts of the sensor data for each sensor
the web app also enables you to set alerts for each sensor on the view charts page 
the alerts you defined are stored in the cosmos db on the cloud and will be triggered upon new telemetry data from your iot devices
the triggered alerts are viewable in the dashboard and email notifications are sent when danger user defined alerts are triggered
the api is not authenticated atm but enables the viewing of all data in the cosmos db via get requests

NOTE: you will need to put your own connection strings in the files as specified in the code
NOTE: you will need to setup your own microsoft azure platform, create iot hub and microsoft cosmos db and web app containers and azure functions that get triggered on via the iot hub
tutorial for getting azure functions triggered via iot hub (when the iot hub recieves messages: https://medium.com/@nuwanprabhath/sending-messages-from-azure-iot-hub-to-cosmos-db-using-azure-functions-javascript-717d84f8d922)
Currently this website is live with the url: http://wastewaterapp.azurewebsites.net/