- Video: http://lgg.epfl.ch/publications/2017/HOnline/video.mp4
- Paper PDF: http://lgg.epfl.ch/publications/2017/HOnline/paper.pdf
- Dataset: http://lgg.epfl.ch/publications/2017/HOnline/guess-who.zip
To obtain the results shown in the video proper hardware is necessary:
- Windows 10
- Intel Core i7 @4GhZ
- CUDA Graphic card (NVIDIA GTX1080 used in our demo)
- Inter RealSense depth camera
Other notes:
- note the software must be compiled in 64bits
- Wristband color calibration (make sure the wristband is detected robustly otherwise the tracking might not perform as effectively, you can check this by enabling "show wband" in the hmodel_atb application)
@article{tkach2017online, title={Online generative model personalization for hand tracking}, author={Tkach, Anastasia and Tagliasacchi, Andrea and Remelli, Edoardo and Pauly, Mark and Fitzgibbon, Andrew}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, volume={36}, number={6}, pages={243}, year={2017}, publisher={ACM} }
in honline/apps/honline_atb/main.cpp
- change
90 | worker.settings->sequence_path
to the path to teaser dataset in you machine - change
91 | worker.settings->data_path
to the path tohonline/data/
folder on your machine - set
98| bool benchmark
in honline/apps/honline_atb/main.cpp
- set
98 | bool benchmark
to false - wear a blue wristband and make sure that the wristband is always in the view of the sensor
- worker.settings->calibration_type = NONE
- worker.E_fitting.settings->fit2D_outline_enable = true
- worker.settings->termination_max_iters = 8
- worker.settings->calibration_type = NONE
- worker.E_fitting.settings->fit2D_outline_enable = false
- worker.settings->termination_max_iters = 6
- worker.settings->calibration_type = FULL;
- worker.settings->calibration_type = FULL;
- worker.settings->run_kalman_filter = true;
- worker.settings->kalman_filter_type = STANDARD;
- worker.settings->display_estimated_certainty = true;
- worker.settings->calibration_type = FULL;
- worker.settings->run_kalman_filter = true;
- worker.settings->kalman_filter_type = EXTENDED;
- worker.settings->display_estimated_certainty = true;
To add every 30th frame to batch solve
- worker.settings->frames_interval_between_measurements = 30;
To add the current frame to batch solve
- press "A"
To start batch solve
- press "B"
To run more iterations of batch solve
- press "B"
To stop batch solve and resume tracking (the system sometimes crashes at this point)
- press "Shift + B"
- worker.settings->calibration_type = FULL;
- worker.settings->run_batch_solver = true;
- worker.settings->use_online_betas_for_batch_solver = true;
- worker.settings->calibration_type = NONE;
- worker.settings->run_batch_solver = true;
- worker.settings->use_online_betas_for_batch_solver = false;
- Press "1" to make the model bigger
- Press "2" to make the model smaller
- Press "3" to make the model wider
- Press "4" to make the model narrower
- Press "5" to make the model thicker
- Press "6" to make the model thinner