Just a lil-record

  $ cp settings_example.py settings.py
  $ mkvirtualenv lil-record
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt

All web related assets are in /web To run:

  $ python run.py

All lil-record related (raspberry pi) assets are in /record

systemctl launches scripts

check out what's running:

  $ systemctl status lilrecord.service

You should see four processes:

  • python3 /home/pi/lil-record/main_script.py

An event detection script responsible for reading all of the pins and basically allowing the raspberry pi to power a rotary phone

  • python3 /home/pi/lil-record/run.py

The flask app that allows downloading questions from aws, uploading answers to aws

  • python3 /home/pi/lil-record/run_slack.py

Listens to slack messages for mention of @lil-record, executes commands

  • python3 /home/pi/lil-record/killer.py

A script that interrupts audio recording and playing on receiver hangup