
The Harvard Library Innovation Lab website

Primary LanguageHTML

Build Status

Install and Run

  1. Install Docker or Docker Toolbox and fire it up.

  2. git clone https://github.com/harvard-lil/website-static.git

  3. cd website-static

  4. Fire up the web server and build the site: docker-compose up

  5. Check out what you built:

  6. Make changes to the app directory.

Most of the time, Jekyll will notice your changes and will automatically rebuild the site: just wait for the build to finish and refresh your browser. You'll see something like the following after a successful build:

jekyll_1  |       Generating...
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: Generating tags pages
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: Generating categories pages
jekyll_1  |          AutoPages: collections pages are disabled/not configured in site.config.
jekyll_1  |         Pagination: Complete, processed 140 pagination page(s)
jekyll_1  |                     done in 27.68 seconds.
jekyll_1  |  Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/srv/jekyll'

Exceptions: changes to _config.yml, Gemfile, and the contents of the _plugins directory will not trigger an automatic rebuild, or, even if they do, the rebuilt site might not reflect your changes.

Errors: if the build errors out (scss syntax errors, incorrect variable names, etc.), the automatic rebuilding process may stop working.

To manually rebuild the site/restart the automatic rebuilding process, press control + c and then run docker-compose up again.

  1. When you are done, press control + c and then run docker-compose down. Then, optionally:
  • Docker: quit the Docker app
  • Docker Machine/Toolbox: run docker-machine stop

Writing Blog Posts (Docker not required)

Head to https://lil-blog-generator.herokuapp.com/ to write your post in the on-screen editor. Use the editor's buttons, if you want the preview to work correctly. (Manually-entered markdown is fine, but won't render correctly here in the preview.) Detailed instructions are below the editor, if you are into that kind of thing.

Hit the editor's "Preview/Download" to check your work.

When you are satisfied, hit the "Download" button to download your draft, and follow the simple instructions to upload your draft to Github.