
The ChunkedSet stores its elements in Chunks of size k. It behaves as a set and contains only unique values in all chunks combined.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The ChunkedSet stores its elements in Chunks of size k. It behaves as a set and contains only unique values in all chunks combined.

Table of contents


The implementation works efficiently for any number of chunks.

ChunkedSet is implemented with 3 hash_tables. Each of which helps make it behave as a set of sets.

  Data_table -
      hash_table1 : key   :  datapoint
                    value :  (chunk, slots)
  Slot_table -
      hash_table2 : key   :  slots
                    value :  [list of chunks]
  Node_table -
      hash_table3 : key   :  chunks
                    value :  datapoints in tuple


  • Join : When a new chunk joins the ChunkedSet, all the duplicate values are deleted
  • Leave : When a chunk leaves the ChunkedSet, all the values are migrated to the available slots in the rest of the chunks


  • flask


  • Clone the repo
  git clone https://github.com/anaswaratrajan/Chunkedset.git
  • Enter directory chunkedset
  cd chunked set
  • Install requirements
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the app
  flask run
  • Set data to chunk - POST
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"chunk":1,"data":[1,2,3,4,5]}' \
  • Send join request to server - GET
  • Send leave request to server - GET
  • Check server for updates

Similar for other chunks ( chunk2, chunk3)