
Tinkerhub LearnfromHome task

Primary LanguagePython


Class for the techlearners and mentors of the bootcamp

Table of contents

Problem statement

Write a python class for tech learners and mentors. Should have following methods

addStacks() : Add a particular stack of interest/expertise
setMentorOrLearner() : Set whether the participant is learner or mentor
setAvailableTime() : if person is mentor set available time
getMentor() : Takes stack and time as params and finds available mentors.


  • add_participant() - Add new participant

  • setMentorOrLearner( <participant_type>) : Set whether the participant is learner or mentor participant_type - 'mentor'/'learner'

  • addStacks( <stack_type>, , ...) : Add a particular stack of interest/expertise Note: Both mentors and learners can add expertise and interests. But only expertises of mentors are taken for getMentor() and interests of learners taken for getlearners() stack_type - 'expertise'/'interests' argument1, argument2 .. - interests/expertises Eg: "Python","Javascript"

  • setAvailableTime(<avail_time>) : if person is mentor set available time avail_time format - "%I:%M%p-%I:%M%p" Eg: "4:30PM-5:00PM"

  • getMentor(<avail_time>, , ...) : Takes stack and time as params and finds available mentors.

  • get_current_participant() - Get details of current participant

  • change_current_participant() - Switch to another participant

  • get_learners( , ...)

    See usage for more details


Clone the repo

  git clone https://github.com/anaswaratrajan/Tinkerhub_LearnFromHome.git

Enter directory Tinkerhub_LearnFromHome

  cd Tinkerhub_LearnFromHome

To test the class either run test.py or import the code to cli and test according to the doc

Run test.py

  python test.py


Test in cli

  from code import Bootcamp

  TH_LearnFromHome = Bootcamp()

Making entries (setMentorOrLearner after add_participant)

  TH_LearnFromHome.addStacks("interests","Python","Javascript","Machine learning","C++")

Get details of current participant


Switch to another participant


Get mentor for a stack in available time


Get learners for a stack
