Lab-Assistent scripts

Small scripts intended to help with analysing optical spectra and autocorrelation data

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About The Project

The scripts in this project are intended to be used for simplified data analysis and figure generation of

  • Data generated by different optical spectrum analyzers
  • Data generated by different methods of autocorrelation for measuring the pulse duration of ultra-short laser pulses

The scripts can

  • Plot data
  • Estimate energy of the entire spectrum/part of the spectrum
  • Fit gaussian/sech-functions to estimate the FWHM of the autocorrelation/spectrum
  • Save the resulting figures as tikz/png
  • other things currently not documented


This project is still a WiP, and therefore contains stubs for documentation, and undocumented features. Moreover, several functions might be broken/not available. Due to lack of testing material those functions currently can not be tested.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
