Play Android: Netrunner in the browser.

Live server


Development status

The chat, deck builder, card browser and game lobby are operational.

The deck builder implements all the deck building constraints. It is optimised for fast deck edition. It is possible for instance to copy & paste a decklist from a forum and it will be parsed.

The implemention of the game rules is in progress. About half of the cards are currently automated. For the cards that aren't, it is possible to resolve them manually most of the time.

Card rules implementation status:


  • Node.js, Node Package Manager
  • Leiningen
  • MongoDB
  • Coffeescript


Install Node.js dependencies:

$ npm install

Install Javascript dependencies:

$ node_modules/bower/bin/bower install

Launch MongoDB and fetch card data:

$ mongod
$ cd data
$ mkdir img
$ coffee


To launch the server:

$ coffee

To compile and watch client side Clojurescript files:

$ lein cljsbuild auto dev

To compile and watch server side Clojurescript files:

$ lein cljsbuild auto node

To launch a Clojurescript Browser nREPL:

$ lein repl

user> (brepl)
<< started Weasel server on ws:// >>
Type `:cljs/quit` to stop the ClojureScript REPL