
Django database backend for SphinxQL.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

A fork of SmartFile Django backend for SphinxSearch search engine.

Original README can be found there


Install django_sphinx_db:

INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_sphinx_db', )

# This is the name of the sphinx server in DATABASES:
# (needed for database router)

# Define the connection to Sphinx
    'default': {
        # Your default database connection goes here...
        'ENGINE': 'django_sphinx_db.backend.sphinx',
        # The database name does not matter.
        'NAME': '',
        # There is no user name or password.
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        # Don't use localhost, this will result in using a UDS instead of TCP...
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '9306',

# You need routers to determine correct backend for Sphinx models.

Add some Sphinx models

class MyIndex(SphinxModel):
    class Meta:
        # This next bit is important, you don't want Django to manage
        # the table for this model.
        managed = False

    name = CharField() # If defined in sphinx.conf, could be searchable too.
    content = SphinxField() # Usefull for autogeneration of sphinx.conf.
    date = models.DateTimeField()
    size = models.IntegerField()

Start fulltext searching your data

MyIndex.objects.match("@name ^start of text and text end$")
MyIndex.objects.filter(name="Document name").exclude(size=3)
MyIndex.objects.filter(name="Document name").sum("size")

More usage examples can be found in module django_sphinx_db.tests


SphinxSearch has some "features" that may cause application crashes.

First, it sometimes crashes on every query (i.e. in 2.2-beta version) when it has corrupted index files. In such case, we can fix it by returning empty queryset for every crashed query.

To enable this workaround, add to settings.py:


Again, in workers=threads mode at high query rate sphinxsearch rejects connections, returning 54 socket error.

django_sphinx_db can retry query on certain exception messages listed in settings.py:

REPEAT_ON_EXCEPTION_MSGS=['Connection reset by peer']

Development status

This backend is used in high-load production at rutube.ru with Django-1.5 and Django-1.6. It is supported as more sphinxsearch-related features are requested by our team. But we also respond to bug reports and pull-requests at free time.