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This is a simple library to simplify the process of using SendGrid's X-SMTPAPI with the Go programming language

Table of Contents


All updates to this library is documented in our CHANGELOG.



  • Go version 1.6
  • The SendGrid service, starting at the free level

Install Package

go get github.com/sendgrid/smtpapi-go

Setup Environment Variables

Environment Variable

Update the development environment with your SENDGRID_API_KEY, for example:

echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'" > sendgrid.env
echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
source ./sendgrid.env

Quick Start

package main

import (

func main() {
  header := smtpapi.NewSMTPAPIHeader()



If you are interested in the future direction of this project, please take a look at our milestones. We would love to hear your feedback.

How to Contribute

We encourage contribution to our libraries, please see our CONTRIBUTING guide for details.

Quick links:


smtpapi-go is guided and supported by the SendGrid Developer Experience Team.

smtpapi-go is maintained and funded by SendGrid, Inc. The names and logos for smtpapi-go are trademarks of SendGrid, Inc.


The MIT License (MIT)