
exercise code via test executables built by an automatic makefile

Primary LanguageC++


simple test library based on a makefile.

Two separate header files are included to help organise tests. It is not required that you include either header in your test code, but it has some useful helper functions.


Header file with utility functions. assert_* functions are implemented with the preprocessor. TEST* functions are implemented with the preprocessor. timing information is implemented by functions which use std::function. In future, this dependency will be removed so this header can be used in plain c situations.

assert specialisations:

  • assert_are_equal (x, y) : assert two values are equal, using == operator
  • assert_are_equal_t (x, y, t) : assert two values within a given tolerance, using abs() and -
  • assert_are_not_equal (x, y) : assert two values are not equal, using !=
  • assert_is_true (x) : assert x is not equal to 0, using !=
  • assert_is_false (x) : assert x is equal to 0, using ==

Timing wrapper functions:

  • TEST(x) : wrap a function x with timing information
  • TEST_GROUP (x) : wrap a function x with timing information as a group
  • TEST_SUITE (x) : wrap a function x with timing information as a suite


Header file with utility functions for formatting tests. Requires c++ initialiser lists. assert_* functions are implemented as functions. TEST_* objects are stl containers. This header allows neater formatting and labelling of test code. In future, timing information will be added.

assert specialisations:

  • assert_are_equal (x, y) : assert two values are equal, using == operator
  • assert_are_equal (x, y, t) : assert two values are within a given tolerance, using abs() and -

Prettyfying structures:

  • TEST (string_name, lambda (void)) : test function with name and code.
  • TEST_SET (string_name, list of TESTs) : test set
  • TEST_SUITE (string_name, list of TEST_SETs): test suite.
  • RUN_TEST (string_name) : name of the test suite to execute.


The magic makefile which compiles all the files matching <TEST_DIR> / <any> / <filename>.cpp into test programs.

Each .cpp file will be compiled as a separate executable, so must contain a main function (see below for an example test code file).


  • Must be included from the main project makefile.
  • Main project makefile should define a TEST_DIR variable
  • TEST_DIR indicates where the .cpp files test code.
  • TEST_DIR must contain a trailing directory separator.


  • Creates "bin" subdirectory under <TEST_DIR>.
  • Test executables are output to <TEST_DIR>/bin.
  • There is a bug when tests are in the same dir as the makefile:
    • Using an empty <TEST_DIR> means .cpp files are not discovered,
    • Using "." for <TEST_DIR> means executables are written to .bin rather than <TEST_DIR>/bin.
    • Fixing this requires some make voodoo I'm not aware of yet.

See Makefile for a list of commands.

Example test code file


#include "../../maketest/maketest.h"

void abs_test ()
  auto a = 1.0f;
  auto b = -2.0f;
  assert_are_equal (abs (a-b), 1.0f);

void maths_test_group ()
  TEST (abs_test);

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  TEST_GROUP (maths_test_group);

Example Minimum test code file


int main (int argc, char** argv)
  assert (1 > 0);

Example test code file with neat formatting


#include "../../maketest/maketestcc.h"

  TEST_SET ("maths_test_group",
    TEST ("abs test",
      auto a = 1.0f;
      auto b = -2.0f;
      assert_are_equal (abs (a-b), 1.0f);


Example project structure

|  |--src
|  |--include
|  |--tests
|  |  |--gt_test.cpp
|  |  |--maths_test.cpp
|  |--Makefile
|  |--Makefile
|  |--maketest.h
|  |--README.md

Example project Makefile

Makefile in <PROJECT_DIR> should define TEST_DIR include test/Makefile

CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++14 $(INCLUDE)
INCLUDE = -Iinclude/ -I../maketest/
LDLIBS = -lpng -lX11 -lGL -lGLEW

TEST_DIR = tests/
include ../maketest/Makefile

project Makefile can then call test_all, test_clean, as required.

Build and run tests

> make all_tests