Vorto Coffeeshop

Deploy on Docker environment.

Clone git repository.

git clone https://github.com/anaxdev/vorto-coffeeshop.git

Build api docker image.

cd vorto-coffeeshop
docker-compose build api

Run system

docker-compose up -d

If everything is ok, http://localhost:8080/ or http://server-address:8080/ should show the API welcome page.

Deploy on Kubernetes cluster

Push API docker image to dockerhub (or any other docker registry).

docker login
docker push anadk/vorto-coffeeshop-api:1.0

Note: docker registry name for api image should be changed according to the own registry.

Create a ConfigMap for database initialization script

kubectl create configmap pg-init-script \
--from-literal=coffee.sql="$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anaxdev/vorto-coffeeshop/main/sql/coffee.sql)"

Deploy all applications into Kubernetes cluster

git clone https://github.com/anaxdev/vorto-coffeeshop.git
cd vorto-coffeeshop
kubectl apply -f ./k8s

Test API endpoints

There is a postman file grpc_test.postman_collection.json to test API endpoints. Import this file to Postman tool.

API has two endpoints: delivery and statistics

Endpoint Method Parameter:Description Response
delivery Post bean_type_id : CoffeeBean Id
carrierIdStr : Carrier Id
supplierIdStr : Supplier Id
Success (also new delivery is inserted to the table)
Fail with invalid delivery message
statistics Get Return the probability of valid delivery.

Import the invalid deliveries

There is a sql file invalid-deliveries.sql that produces the invalid deliveries. (Invalid deliveries are deliveries that a carrier cannot perform due to carrier bean constraints.)

docker exec -i <postgres-container> psql -U postgres postgres < invalid-deliveries.sql


Run sql query of this file in postgres client tool.