
Docker-compose files configured to be used behind the included Nginx Proxy Manager container.


These are docker-compose files configured to be used behind the included traefik docker-compose.yml setup.

These are the docker-compose files I personally use. I have tried to make a setup that requires very little fiddling. Please file an issue if something doesn't work. Also feel free to contribute to the list if you are so inclined.


NOTE: This setup assumes using Cloudflare as a DNS provider and are using origin certs created from the SSL/TLS section of their site.

SSL Certs

  • Put your certs & keys in a safe place. The default is in the traefik/certs folder.

Make sure the proper permissions of 600 are set for the certs:

sudo chmod 600 <my.crt>
  • Update the entries in the config/certs-traefik.yml to the proper file path and name of your certs.

NOTE: Don't remove the double quotes from the entries.

Create Network

  • Create a network named proxy. This is how the containers will network with the Traefik container.
docker network create proxy

Start the Traefik container

  • start the traefik container by entering the traefik folder and executing:
docker-compose up -d

Running a container

I have tried to make the configuration as automatic as I know how. Most of the cofiguration should be done in the .env files.

NOTE: You do not have to restart the Traefik container. Traefik uses labels from these containers to dynamically configure itself.

Setup the .env

  • Copy the example.env file and name it .env.

  • Read through the .env and make changes where appropriate.

Some not so obvious ones maybe be:

PROJECT_NAME <-- PROBABLY DONT CHANGE THIS—Traefik will use this to as an identifier
DOMAIN_NAME <-- VERY IMPORTANT—Traefik will use this to know which container to route.

Start the container stack

  • Start the containers by executing this in the directory where the docker-compose.yml lives:
docker-compose up -d

That should be all there is to it! PLEASE raise an issue if something doesn't work.