
PokitDok Platform API Client for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version Dependency Freshness


PokitDok Platform API Client for Ruby



gem install pokitdok-ruby

Client ID and Secret Keys

Always use environment variables to store your PokitDok client and secret keys. To do so, we recommmend either using dotenv or setting plain old Linux OS environment variables. The dotenv gem is very similar to Figaro, except it loads environment variables from .env, and it doesn't use YAML.

To use dotenv, just install the gem by adding to your Gemfile:

gem 'dotenv-rails', groups: [:development, :test]

And add your configuration values to a .env file. Make sure you git ignore the file so that you don't accidentally publish it to github:


You can then access the values in your Ruby ENV hash

require 'dotenv'

It's also possible to maintain unique sets of environment variables per app using basic linux commands. One approach is to have each app running on your server be owned by a different user. You can then use the user's .bashrc to store application-specific values.

Quick Start

require 'pokitdok'
require 'dotenv'

pd = PokitDok::PokitDok.new(client_id, client_secret)

# Retrieve provider information by NPI
pd.providers(npi: '1467560003')

# Search providers by name (individuals)
pd.providers(first_name: 'JEROME', last_name: 'AYA-AY')

# Search providers by name (organizations)
pd.providers(name: 'Qliance')

# Search providers by location and/or specialty
pd.providers(zipcode: '29307', radius: '10mi')
pd.providers(zipcode: '29307', radius: '10mi', specialty: 'RHEUMATOLOGY')

# Eligibility
@eligibility_query = {
  member: {
      birth_date: '1970-01-01',
      first_name: 'Jane',
      last_name: 'Doe',
      id: 'W000000000'
  provider: {
      first_name: 'JEROME',
      last_name: 'AYA-AY',
      npi: '1467560003'
  service_types: ['health_benefit_plan_coverage'],
  trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER'

pd.eligibility @eligibility_query

# Claim
@claim = {
  transaction_code: 'chargeable',
  trading_partner_id: 'MOCKPAYER',
  billing_provider: {
    taxonomy_code: '207Q00000X',
    first_name: 'Jerome',
    last_name: 'Aya-Ay',
    npi: '1467560003',
    address: {
      address_lines: ['8311 WARREN H ABERNATHY HWY'],
      city: 'SPARTANBURG',
      state: 'SC',
      zipcode: '29301'
    tax_id: '123456789'
  subscriber: {
    first_name: 'Jane',
    last_name: 'Doe',
    member_id: 'W000000000',
    address: {
      address_lines: ['123 N MAIN ST'],
      city: 'SPARTANBURG',
      state: 'SC',
      zipcode: '29301'
    birth_date: '1970-01-01',
    gender: 'female'
  claim: {
    total_charge_amount: 60.0,
    service_lines: [
        procedure_code: '99213',
        charge_amount: 60.0,
        unit_count: 1.0,
        diagnosis_codes: ['487.1'],
        service_date: '2014-06-01'

pd.claims @claim

# Retrieve an index of activities

# Check on a specific activity
pd.activities(activity_id: '5362b5a064da150ef6f2526c')

# Check on a batch of activities
pd.activities(parent_id: '537cd4b240b35755f5128d5c')

# Get cash prices
pd.cash_prices(cpt_code: '87799', zip_code: '75201')

# Get insurance prices
pd.insurance_prices(cpt_code: '87799', zip_code: '29403')

Check SSL protocol and cipher


Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against these Ruby versions using the official Docker Image packing for Ruby. To use the Dockerfile within this project to run the tests, please head over to the Docker Install Guide

  • 2.3
  • 2.2
  • 2.1
  • 2.0
  • 1.9
  • JRuby 9.1 (which is running Ruby 2.3.1)

To execute the tests against those versions within a Docker Container, build the image and the tests will execute on build:

docker build .

You may have luck with other interpreters - let us know how it goes.


Prerequisite: Make sure to have the RubyMine plugin installed with IntelliJ.

Steps to getting setup in the IntelliJ IDE:

  1. Fork and/or clone the pokitdok-ruby github repository onto your local machine.
  2. Open IntelliJ IDE.
  3. Select File > New > Project From Existing Sources and select the directory of the cloned pokitdok-ruby project.
  4. In the pop-up GUI select Create project from existing sources and continue selecting next/finish with the default settings.
  5. Next you want to make sure ruby has selected the correct ruby SDK. It is recommended to use rvm for ruby version management.
  • Select File > Project Structure. Then under the Project -> SDK settings select the ruby version you wish to use with the project (i.e.- RVM: ruby-1.9.3-p551 [global]).
  1. You will probably be prompted to install the project dependencies with bundler which you should do.
  2. Now to debug tests you need to create a run configuration.
  • Select Run > Edit Configurations.
  • We use rake to run our project tasks. So select the + button and add a new Rake configuration.
  • A few properties you need to set:
    • Task Name: spec
    • Ruby SDK -> Use other SDK and 'rake' gem: Whichever ruby version you chose in step 5
    • Bundler Tab: Check the box labeled Run the script in the context of the bundle (bundle exec)
  1. You can now run/debug the project tests in the IntelliJ IDE.
  • NOTE: Currently the tests will not finish executing though all are completed. This is a known issue with RubyMine.

NOTE: If you would just like to run the test framework outside of the IDE make sure to have all the dependencies installed via bundle in the project directory then run the following command: bundle exec rake spec.


Copyright (c) 2014 PokitDok Inc. See LICENSE for details.