Pinned Repositories
This contains my answers to the Advent of Code 2020 puzzles... or at least the ones that I complete
An OpenAI GPT-powered Assistant providing curated course advice for NJIT students. Users upload their transcript, and the app fetches course data from NJIT’s API and catalog. Built with Python/Streamlit, it uses DigitalOcean for data storage, Docker for containerization, and future deployment on DigitalOcean.
First time I ever worked with web development and it is for my own personal portfolio/blog site.
NJIT Data Visualization Class
This is a full stack IOS application that integrates your Fitbit workout data to your Apple Health account. Users login to fitbit, authorize access to Apple Health data, & the app displays relevant weight workout info on a dashboard. Sync Fitbit workouts to Apple Health with one click (after allowing permissions)!
A React Gallery App using images from Pixabay made to exhibit ReactJS, Mobile Responsive Tailwind CSS Styling, and API Call Proficiency. The app was also developed with accessibility features in mind.
This text-based Pokémon battle simulator began as an AP Computer Science A project that I expanded on by adding an item use system and scoreboard so people can play to their heart's content and be forced to use actual strategy against the randomized computer opponent. It is loosely based off of the famous game, Pokemon Red, created by a branch of Nintendo, Game Freak, along with the Pokemon Company.
The end state after completing the RedwoodJS introduction tutorial
anbarsaleem's Repositories
This is a full stack IOS application that integrates your Fitbit workout data to your Apple Health account. Users login to fitbit, authorize access to Apple Health data, & the app displays relevant weight workout info on a dashboard. Sync Fitbit workouts to Apple Health with one click (after allowing permissions)!
First time I ever worked with web development and it is for my own personal portfolio/blog site.
This text-based Pokémon battle simulator began as an AP Computer Science A project that I expanded on by adding an item use system and scoreboard so people can play to their heart's content and be forced to use actual strategy against the randomized computer opponent. It is loosely based off of the famous game, Pokemon Red, created by a branch of Nintendo, Game Freak, along with the Pokemon Company.
This contains my answers to the Advent of Code 2020 puzzles... or at least the ones that I complete
An OpenAI GPT-powered Assistant providing curated course advice for NJIT students. Users upload their transcript, and the app fetches course data from NJIT’s API and catalog. Built with Python/Streamlit, it uses DigitalOcean for data storage, Docker for containerization, and future deployment on DigitalOcean.
NJIT Data Visualization Class
A React Gallery App using images from Pixabay made to exhibit ReactJS, Mobile Responsive Tailwind CSS Styling, and API Call Proficiency. The app was also developed with accessibility features in mind.
The end state after completing the RedwoodJS introduction tutorial