
SQLBrick generates golang function from your SQL statements.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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SQLBrick generates golang function from your SQL statements. It's not another ORM library, but a tool to generate golang function from given SQL template files. The generated source code is totally based on sqlx.

Why this

As mentioned above, this is not an ORM library. If you like to write SQL statements, but you don't want to write SQL function again and again, then this tool will help you to reduce workload.


go get -u anbillon.com/sqlbrick/cmd/sqlbrick

Add the following to your dependency if you are working with go modules

require (
	github.com/anbillon/sqlbrick v0.2.0


To use sqlbrick, put your SQL statements in .sqb file. Typically the first statement creates a table. Each SQL file can include only one CREATE TABLE. The statement will be a little different from standard SQL statement, it uses {} as some simple syntax and ${} as placeholder. Other syntax in standard SQL can be used as usual such as comment --. Here's an example:

{import github.com/anbillon/sqlbrick/examples/models/entity}

{define name CreateBook}
  "id"  serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  uid int NOT NULL,
  name text NOT NULL,
  content varchar(255),
  create_time TIMESTAMP,
  price int NOT NULL
{end define}

{define name InsertOne}
INSERT INTO book (uid, name, content, create_time, price)
  VALUES (${uid}, ${name}, ${content}, ${create_time}, ${price});
{end define}

-- An example to show update price.
{define name UpdatePrice}
{if price > 0} price = ${price}, {end if}
{if content != ""} content = ${content}, {end if}
name = ${name} WHERE id = ${id};
{end define}

-- An example to show complex update.
-- Second line comment.
{define name ComplexUpdate}
UPDATE book SET price=(SELECT price FROM book, user WHERE book.uid=user.id)
  WHERE book.price <= ${price} AND name = ${name};
{end define}

{define name SelectAll, mapper []entity.Book}
{end define}

-- An example to show SelectById.
{define name SelectById, mapper entity.Book}
SELECT * FROM book WHERE id = ${id} ORDER BY name ASC;
{end define}

{define name SelectByUid, mapper entity.Book}
SELECT * FROM book WHERE uid = ${uid} ORDER BY name ASC;
{end define}

-- An example to show DeleteById.
{define name DeleteById}
DELETE FROM book WHERE id = ${id};
{end define}

{define name TxInsert, tx true}
INSERT INTO book (uid, name, content, create_time, price)
  VALUES (${uid}, ${name}, ${content}, ${create_time}, ${price});
{end define}

{define name TxDeleteById, tx true}
DELETE FROM book WHERE id = ${id};
{end define}

Go to your work directory where contains .sqb files, then run:

$ sqlbrick gen

Or you can specify the directory of sqb files. For more usage, check

$ sqlbrick --help

You can also use SQLBrick with go generate, just add the following somewhere in your source code and then run go generate:

//go:generate sqlbrick gen -w your/sqb/dir -o output/dir

From this sqlbrick will generate sqlbrick.go, book.go. You'll see all SQL function in book.go. At finally, you can use them in your code.

import (

func main() {
	db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", "postgres://user:pass@localhost/dbname?sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {
	sqlBrick := brick.NewSqlBrick(db)

	var books []entity.Book
	err := sqlBrick.Book.SelectById(&books, "someid")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("error: %v", err)
	// your code here

The value in placeholder should keep the same with SQL field, or the same with your custom struct which tagged with db. For more detail, you can check the document of sqlx.



SQLBrick allows to import custom type so the mapper can use them:

{import github.com/anbillon/sqlbrick/examples/models/entity}


SQLBrick uses {define ...}...{end define} to define a SQL function:

{define name SelectById, paramType int string, mapper int}
{end define}

Definition has three parameters, name, paramType, mapper and tx, they must be split by ,.

  • The name is necessary to define the name of current SQL function.
  • The paramType is optional, it's used to define the parameter type for placeholders. The number of paramType must be the same of placeholders, and split by space.
  • The mapper is optional, default is interface which means the result will map to an array. If you want to map to only one result, then use import to import it, and use it as golang (for example: entity.Book). If you want to map to basic type, just use the type in golang (such as int, string, float32, bool and so on. ps: this should be based on your query result).
  • The tx is optional, default is false. If set true, the SQL function will work in a transaction. Consuming the generated code like this:
if tx, err := sqlBrick.Begin(); err != nil {
	// your code here
} else {

For detail usage, check the examples in source code.


SQLBrick uses {if ...}...{end if} as condition to make dynamic queries.


MIT License

Copyright (C) 2018-present Anbillon Team

This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.