
This project uses Quarkus to build a service that allows users to upload an ID document image, in order to be processed from an external OCR.

Running the application in dev mode

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

mvn clean compile quarkus:dev

This will also start testcontainers for external services like Keycloak and Postgresql.

To run the tests:

mvn clean verify

NOTE: This project uses my library java-try-monad from its GitHub maven repo . In order to install it you must have a GitHub read:packages token configured in .m2/settings.xml or clone and mvn install the git repo locally.

Testing the application

After the project is started, a swagger-ui can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/q/swagger-ui. In order to do some test calls, you need to generate a Bearer token from Keycloak using the Quarkus DevUI at http://localhost:8080/q/dev-ui/io.quarkus.quarkus-oidc/keycloak-provider.

Keycloak is preconfigured with a realm with 2 users, alice:alice and jdoe:jdoe. User alice can use the application, since she has a valid email. User jdoe should give 403.

A background task is set to run every 10s and queries the db for expired documents in order to send email notifications. It writes logs only if expired documents are found.

Code structure

The project is organized with a multimodule structure and follows the "Hexagonal" Architectural Pattern:

  • the onboarding-domain module has non dependencies on other modules and contains the domain logic for the application.
  • the onboarding-inbound module depends on domain and is the adapter for the incoming requests.
  • the onboarding-outbound module depends on domain and is the adapter to the database for persistence and to the external services, like OCR and emailer. It also contains the emailer task.
  • the onboarding module is the wrapper module that depends on all other and represents the starting point for the applications. It also contains app configurations and integration tests.

Other patterns I used in the project:

  • newtype pattern (using Java records)
  • builder pattern
  • repository pattern