Le Fûgidaire v2.0

The Fugidaire v2.0 is a 6-tap kegerator for home brewed beer. It uses a three-component system to monitor and display the list of beers that are currently on tap.


The main component is the fugidaire server. It allows us to track and update the beer list remotely. It can serve the taplist through a simple REST API in JSON or display the tap list on a web interface.

It will be able to subscribe to MQTT notifications of pours from the tap monitors to update the level of beer remaining in the keg.


The level of beer in each keg is monitored by a flow sensor. The fugidaire-flow device reads the flow of beer and sends periodic updates over MQTT to the server so that it can update the level of beer in the keg. In turn, we can then update the level display on the graphical interface.


Each tap is provided with a small colour LCD to show the current beer stats, including colour, style, abv, ibu and fill level of the keg.