
An simple app that implements client + server side datatable with multi-sort & filter features in Vue Frontend(Bootstrap 4) & Laravel Backend.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravue-datatables app [Frontend UI | Made on Vue.js]

Laravue-datatables is implementation of Datatables in Vue component. Its just a simple datatable app that contains both (client side | back side API endpoints). You can fork and use for your future projects. Good Luck!

  1. Uses Vuetable-2 Beta package.
  2. Implemented Client-side & server-side datatable examples. API Provided by the Vuetable2 author itself. You can use it for quick testing. (by ratiw)
  3. Created an custom API for clearer knowledge in Laravel 5.8
  4. Create thousands of fake data, ready to test.
  5. Has full CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) funtionalities interactively.

Backend Service | Made on Laravel

We created an backend service API for implementing it quick to your projects.


Front UI made with Bootstrap Framework


Login Page

Laravel API


  1. Full CRUD funtionalities.
  2. Advanced filtering like Multi sort, Column wise sort.
  3. Inbuild Pagination (Thanks to Laravel)
  4. Search and filter the records

Project setup

For Laravel

composer install

For Vue & other Javascript

npm install

For deploying Laravel app

php artisan serve

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


  • 24-06-2019 - INITIATE - Project initiated


Developer: Anbuselvan Rocky Vuetables2: Rati Wannapanop