Made on Vue.js]
Laravue-datatables app [Frontend UI |Laravue-datatables is implementation of Datatables in Vue component. Its just a simple datatable app that contains both (client side | back side API endpoints). You can fork and use for your future projects. Good Luck!
- Uses Vuetable-2 Beta package.
- Implemented Client-side & server-side datatable examples. API Provided by the Vuetable2 author itself. You can use it for quick testing. (by ratiw)
- Created an custom API for clearer knowledge in Laravel 5.8
- Create thousands of fake data, ready to test.
- Has full CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) funtionalities interactively.
Made on Laravel
Backend Service |We created an backend service API for implementing it quick to your projects.
Bootstrap Framework
Front UI made withLogin Page
- Full CRUD funtionalities.
- Advanced filtering like Multi sort, Column wise sort.
- Inbuild Pagination (Thanks to Laravel)
- Search and filter the records
Project setup
For Laravel
composer install
For Vue & other Javascript
npm install
For deploying Laravel app
php artisan serve
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Run your tests
npm run test
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Customize configuration
- 24-06-2019 - INITIATE - Project initiated
Developer: Anbuselvan Rocky Vuetables2: Rati Wannapanop