This is a Modbus client collecting data from several Modbus servers and visualizing them in a simple web app.
The tool is written in JavaScript using node.js, the client uses vue.js.
The tool is currently under development, I'll add the features I need for myself. Feel free to ask for (or even better add) features you need. See the Release Notes for the latest changes.
See the installation page for more details.
The configuration with all devices is found in a json file. See the config folder of this project for some samples.
You find all options for this file in the configuration manual.
Create your settings file as described here, then pass it as parameter to the app:
node server.js --config settings.json
I recommend PM2 when modbus-client should be run as service. Use modbus-client-pm2.json as template for your configuration.
Christian Kuster, CH-8342 Wernetshausen