
This lab is designed for the workshop to be conducted in the Øredev Developer Conference 6-8 Nov 2019, Malmö, Sweden where IBM is a sponsor. The lab demonstrates how to create a serverless function on IBM Cloud and build a facial recognition application

Primary LanguagePython


Create a mustache filter similar to a Snapchat filter by following these steps and visit the IBM developer code pattern for detailed steps (https://developer.ibm.com/tutorials/learn-serverless-computing-app-filter-mustache/):

Pre requisites

pip install opencv-python
  • Install numpy
python3 -m pip install numpy


  1. Create an IBM Cloud account

  2. Create a Functions service from the catalog

  • alt text

    • Go to Actions and create a namespace if you haven't already created one. Select location as either Dallas or Germany: alt text

    • Once that's done, Create an Action by clicking create: alt text

    • Give a name to the action and select the runtime as python 3: alt text

  1. Copy paste this python code to the Code section of the service:

# main() will be run when you invoke this action
# @param Cloud Functions actions accept a single parameter, which must be a JSON object.
# @return The output of this action, which must be a JSON object.
import sys 
import random

def main(dict):
    mus_urls = ['https://sublimerobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mustache.png', 'https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/2e/0f/672e0f6f71ebe08a5029a89e85df1e18.png', 'https://images.vexels.com/media/users/3/130978/isolated/lists/f932a333154f1d6bff554c1010466f00-hipster-mustache-5.png', 'https://www.papilbo.com/2743-large_default/basic-classi-con-fiocco-blu.jpg', 'https://www.660citynews.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/sites/8/2016/11/01/moustache.png' ]

    index = random.randint(0, len(mus_urls)-1)
    return {'url':mus_urls[index]}
  • Save the code

  • Enable Web Action under Endpoints and copy the HTTPS URL that is the first URL - this URL will be used in the python application to do get the different filters for the application alt text

  1. Download the serverless-detection.py and the haar cascade files. Click on the green colour 'clone or download' button on the top right to download all the files in a zip folder. Extract the folder to retrieve the files

  2. Edit the serverless-detection.py file:

    • Change your API location accordingly, if your namespace is in eu.de (Germany) use "eu-de.functions.cloud.ibm.com" otherwise use "eu-gb.functions.cloud.ibm.com" if it is in Great Britain (this is set as default in the file).
    • Add your HTTPS URL (not the REST API link) from the Cloud Functions service on the 18th line of the code
    • Add .json at the end of the URL
  3. Run the following command on the terminal to execute the application:

python3 serverless-detection.py 

The Architecture

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The Process

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