
personal notes on coding


personal notes on coding

Enter database docker exec -it datastore psql msm_datastore -U msm_agent

useful notes

docker run --name datastore -p 5432:5432 -v /var/log/backup:/var/log/backup -d -it --restart=always docker.barrukka.local:5000/build/datastore

git update-index --assume-unchanged

undo commit --> git reset HEAD~

rebase --> git reset --hard origin/develop

CSS stuff! --->

id is #myId and class is .myClass if you put id/class next to each other with space it will apply for any descendant. same for double arrow without space it will apply to direct combination of the two. One arrow is a direct descendant. pull request 13027

^(?=([a-zA-Z0-9][-])*$) display: inline-block or inline-flex (to align as well) vertical-align: top (to align elements)

css queries.

$$("#update-plan-details") > query with id $$("button.btn") > query with class

$$("#update-plan-details > button") > nested query also possible

right click and copy xpath or selector


xrandr --query Planning notes

stuff changes when stuff clicked in planningRenderer loading and saving in plan.js

chromium-browser --no-proxy-server & Config.js has all equipment config

jquery notes

document is the HTML DOM document object model that is loaded in a web browser from html docs events like "change" "click" are from javascript

Pycharm notes

source can be set in project structure bash notes echo $?

python notes

import traceback traceback.print_exc()

knockout notes

if pureComputed doesnt get triggered, try computed.

const errors = ko.validation.group([linkLength, minReceiveSignal], {deep: true, observable: true}); errors.showAllMessages() // shows all error messages

if errors not showing on a variable due to change var.valueHasMutated() html notes

alert alert-danger is an alert class used in msm