
A dissertation template made for the University of New Mexico based on the Dissertate class by Suchow. The original Dissertate class can be found here: https://github.com/suchow/Dissertate .

Primary LanguageTeX


Getting started

  1. Install LaTeX. For Mac OS X, we recommend MacTex (http://tug.org/mactex/); for Windows, MiKTeX (http://miktex.org/); and for Ubuntu, Tex Live (sudo apt-get install texlive-full)
  2. Default font is set to Linux Libertine. If you want to instead use the default fonts for the original Dissertate class, install the fonts: EB Garamond, Lato, and Source Code Pro. The files are provided in fonts/EB Garamond, fonts/Lato, and fonts/Source Code Pro.
  3. Personalize the document by filling out your name and all the other info in frontmatter/personalize.tex.
  4. Appendices need to be added by modifying the \backmatter command in the .cls file.
  5. Build your dissertation with build.command, located in the scripts directory (e.g., you can cd into the main directory and then run ./scripts/build.command).


How do I make the text justified instead of ragged right?

Remove or comment out the line \RaggedRight from the .cls file.