Chemical Technician. Chemical Engineer. Dr. in Chemical Engineering - Electrochemical Engineering.
PRELINESanta Fe - Argentina
Pinned Repositories
It is described how to simulate primary (when kinetic parameters of very fast electrochemical reactions are used), secondary and tertiary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with a multiregion approach (solve 3D (porous), solid and fluid phases) with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver multiRegionPorousPotentialFoam and the BC regionCoupledSolidFluid and regionCoupledPorousSolidFluid. It shows how to pre-process and run a basic case in a 2D domain. The proposed strategy allows to have as an input i-th electrochemical reactions per electrode, including bipolar electrodes in which at least two reactions take place (reduction and oxidation) in 3D or planar electrodes.
Introduces basic C++ concepts to beginner users of the OpenFOAM open-source CFD libraries.
Script based on scalarTransportFoam in order to predict, with the help of Navier-Stokes, laminar and turbulent mass-transfer behaviour in electrochemical reactors.
It is described how to simulate current distributions in electrochemical reactors under natural convection flows using OpenFOAM. The process of pre-processing, running, and post-processing a basic 2D case using the developed solver electroNaturalConvectionPimpleFoam and codedMixed boundary condition (BC) is demonstrated.
rotation/curvature correction for the komegaSST turbulence model
It is described how to simulate current distribution in electrochemical reactors with rotating electrodes under mass-transfer controlled conditions, by the developed solver: concentrationPimpleFoam. It is shown how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving a 2D axisimetric domain
It is described how to simulate secondary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with a multiregion approach (solve solid and fluid phases) with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver multiregionPotentialFoam and the BC regionCoupleSolidFluid. It shows how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving in a 2D domain
rotation/curvature correction for the SpalartAllmaras turbulence model
It is described how to simulate tertiary current distribution (including the effect of migration of ions) in electrochemical reactors with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver potentialMigrConcentrationFoam and the BC as codedMixed. It shows how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving in a 2D domain. The proposed strategy allows to have as an input k-th electrochemical reactions per electrode.
It is described how to simulate current distribution in electrochemical reactors with ultrasound assistance under mass-transfer controlled conditions
ancolli's Repositories
rotation/curvature correction for the komegaSST turbulence model
It is described how to simulate primary (when kinetic parameters of very fast electrochemical reactions are used), secondary and tertiary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with a multiregion approach (solve 3D (porous), solid and fluid phases) with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver multiRegionPorousPotentialFoam and the BC regionCoupledSolidFluid and regionCoupledPorousSolidFluid. It shows how to pre-process and run a basic case in a 2D domain. The proposed strategy allows to have as an input i-th electrochemical reactions per electrode, including bipolar electrodes in which at least two reactions take place (reduction and oxidation) in 3D or planar electrodes.
It is described how to simulate secondary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with a multiregion approach (solve solid and fluid phases) with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver multiregionPotentialFoam and the BC regionCoupleSolidFluid. It shows how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving in a 2D domain
Introduces basic C++ concepts to beginner users of the OpenFOAM open-source CFD libraries.
Script based on scalarTransportFoam in order to predict, with the help of Navier-Stokes, laminar and turbulent mass-transfer behaviour in electrochemical reactors.
It is described how to simulate current distribution in electrochemical reactors with rotating electrodes under mass-transfer controlled conditions, by the developed solver: concentrationPimpleFoam. It is shown how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving a 2D axisimetric domain
rotation/curvature correction for the SpalartAllmaras turbulence model
It is described how to simulate secondary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with biphasic (gas-liquid) flow with the help of OpenFOAM. It is shown how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving a 2D domain using the developed solver potentialMultiphaseEulerFoam and BC as codedMixed. The proposed strategy is fully functional in OpenFOAM version 8.
It is described how to simulate current distributions in electrochemical reactors under natural convection flows using OpenFOAM. The process of pre-processing, running, and post-processing a basic 2D case using the developed solver electroNaturalConvectionPimpleFoam and codedMixed boundary condition (BC) is demonstrated.
OpenFOAM Foundation development repository
It is described how to simulate tertiary current distribution in electrochemical reactors with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver and the BCs. It shows how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving in a 2D domain
It is described how to simulate tertiary current distribution (including the effect of migration of ions) in electrochemical reactors with the help of OpenFOAM, the developed solver potentialMigrConcentrationFoam and the BC as codedMixed. It shows how to pre-process, run and post-process a basic case involving in a 2D domain. The proposed strategy allows to have as an input k-th electrochemical reactions per electrode.
It is described how to simulate current distribution in electrochemical reactors with ultrasound assistance under mass-transfer controlled conditions
IPython notebooks with demo code intended as a companion to the book "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" by Steven L. Brunton and J. Nathan Kutz
This GitHub repository focuses on simulating moving boundary conditions in metal electrodeposition and dissolution within electrochemical systems using OpenFOAM. It provides tools and scripts tailored for implementing these dynamic boundary conditions, enabling accurate representation of electrode shape changes over time.